Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tuesday the new Saturday for me... since I am on vacation....It's been a crazy couple of days.. but hey, things are calming down now and I already have my standard first day sun burn even with the sun - screen and the Walmart umbrella I bought last night at 9:15 p.m. (Go Figure...)

But just when you think things always stay the same that's when you get hit with the proverbial "curve - ball." My children are growing - up and it is so amazing to see them do things on their own and take the initiative to do things to help mom and dad while un - packing and getting things put away.... But alas, they also go back to their "little - kids"ways... whining, wanting to rest, wanting to get something to drink, wanting something to eat.. while mom and dad were toiling away...

How many times have we done the same thing to God??? God watch us... God look what we're doing to help you... God I brought my Bible to church today... God I've attended church 4 Sundays in a row...God I told someone about You today... God is pleased with us just as parents we we're pleased with how our children helped us...

But how soon does it take us to whine, whimper and wander???? Not long I'm afraid... Does this mean we need to quit?? No, we need to continue in our good works and continue them until the day we no longer are here on the earth!

"God began a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again." Philippians 1:6

Prayer of the day: Jesus help me to continue working for you without whining.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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