Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

It's hard to believe that it's going to be over 90' again today... At least we've been getting rain sometimes in the evening... Usually right after we've watered most of the yard and getting ready to put the hoses away... it begins to rain...

Why do we water the yard when thunder is heard off in the distance and it looks right rain you ask... Because even though the conditions "feel and look" like rain, sometimes all you get is the noise and the wind and no rain...And that does not water the garden or flowers....

Life is like that... We see all the signs of something being great for our lives and then it ends up being just noise and wind...Sometimes because of our doing... sometimes because of others doing...

Don't build your life on what could've.... would've.... should've....been... build your life on the will be... and that "will be" is Jesus Christ. He is the only sure thing there is in a life full of noise and wind!

"Lord, if its you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come!" Jesus said. Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind and the waves he became afraid and, beginning to sink he cried, "Lord save me!" and Jesus lifted him up out of the water." Matthew 14: 28 - 30

Don't pay attention to the noise and the wind get up and get to Jesus..He will supply your needs!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to follow you and not the noise and wind around me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

A call comes in at 7:40am saying the baby has been born at 5:20am and is okay...The couple rushes to get their clothes on and get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Upon arrival the couple runs in to someone they know leaving the hospital... bad luck for them because this was supposed to be happening privately.. Reassuring the couple he would tell no one the couple dashes for the elevators for their first view of their new child....

It seemed like an eternity as the elevator stopped at two other floors before reaching the anticipated destination... the baby floor....With trembling hands the couple opens the door to the room along with their social worker... And there in plain view is the child with his birth mother... She smiles at the couple and hands the baby to the wife... and says,"It's time to feed him and you should be the first to do it!"....This moment has taken fourteen years to happen and with tears in her eyes Susan gives Zach his first bottle .........And now you know the rest of the story!

"I know the plans I have for you plans for you to prosper and not to fail." Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer For The Day: Thank you God for perfect timing.. Let us never forget that your timing is always perfect.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tomorrow is my son's 12th birthday..Hard to believe he is 12 years old already...Where has the time gone??? What a story to tell about that day but not enough time today to tell it.. Maybe tomorrow!

Roy Clark sang a song back in the 70's called "Yesterday When I was Young" find it on You Tube.. It's a classic...When I look back on my Yesterdays...It sure doesn't seem that I'm looking dare I say 50ish in the face...

Always remember to look forward not backward on life and what God has in store for you... It's hard sometimes because we've had some great days...also some sorry days...But God has our lives in His hands and we have to have the faith to put our lives in His hands.. No matter what yesterday held or tomorrow will hold... God knows what is best for us!!!

My son is really excited about his birthday tomorrow as well as he should be...He is a great kid! And I love him very much! Happy Birthday Zach!!!

"Don't worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday only worry about today for it has enough worry on its own" Matthew 6:34 Brian's paraphrase

Prayer of the Day: Jesus let me have the faith to trust you wwith my life.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday's Musings

Over the past few weeks I have lost people who were presently in my life and some who had a significant part in my life early on in my ministry...With each loss comes memories of these individuals God placed in my life to help me grow in my ministry and to help me ministerto others.

Though it's hard to see them go I know they are in heaven enjoying God's presence. One day we will also meet God face to face and we too will be missed by those who are still here living on earth. My prayer is that those who miss us will say we miss them because of what they meant to God while living here...

Paul told Timothy,"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help us to keep the faith till you call us home!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

If you ever wonder ...wonder, whatever became of me.. I'm living on the air in Cincinnati..Cincinnati and WKRP..I'm at WKRP in Cincinnati...." A part of a theme song from looong ago about a radio station called WKRP that was located in Cincinnati...

This was an interesting show not only because of the humor but also because of the relationships between the characters of the show... My favorite character was Les Nessman... an accident prone guy who always had either a band - aid on his finger or some type of bandage somewhere on his body...He also was the newsman who received an award for his agriculture news in the state of Ohio... No one ever took him seriously even when he was striving to be serious about news or agriculture... He did a live remote from a grocery store where they were dropping live turkeys out of a helicopter... and one of the greatest lines in television was when Les reported "the turkeys are hitting the ground like large sacks of flour!" Then a few seconds later you hear him scream,"The turkeys are mounting a counter - attack!"

I still remember this show from years ago with a smile on my face... But going back to the theme song for the show about the living on the air in Cincinnati... I want to ask "US'... Which "air" are we living on in our hometown??? Are we living on our own air? Or are we living on the "air" provided by the Holy Spirit?

My prayer is that we daily walk with the Holy Spirit..."So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature..For the sinful nature is at war with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is at war with the sinful nature.. But be led by the Spirit .... Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:16,17 &25

Prayer of the Day: Holy Spirit please help me follow you where you lead today.

Keep Lookin' Up

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Have you seen the new "Tumbleweed" homes this guy builds out in California? They are approximately 90 sq. feet in size and have a loft area for a bed... He built the first one to live in because he wanted to simplify his life.... These homes have a toilet, shower, sink,refrigerator and a stove and a "small" living area of course.... Not a whole lot of room but for one maybe two people these homes are large enough to live in... Oh yea, they're built on a trailer so you can move them rather easily....

My analogy to these small homes is what area of your life do you need to simplify??? Is it the space you give to things that might be questionable in your Christian walk?? Is it lifestyle habits you have?? Is it that you might need to enlarge an area in your life for Jesus to live?? Or to actually ask Jesus to come in and live in your life??

In math you have to use simplification sometimes...Sometimes you have to find the least common denominator or simplify a problem down to the end...

Is God asking us to do that today?? To simplify our lives down to just Him and nothing else?

My prayer is that each one of us would do the math problem.... Me + God = God + Me which equals a Godly life!
Or to just have Him live in our "small" dwelling place with us!

"As you come to Him, the living Stone - rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. IPeter 2: 4 - 5

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to simplify my life and give it all to you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday's Musings

Vacation Bible School started last night with a fairly good attendance... We will end on Thursday night with our Family Night at 6pm on Sunday... With this in mind I think back to my years of attending VBS at various locations during the summer... My best two crafts ever were a church that was made out of an 8 oz. milk carton and a coaster made out of small stones... Each of these were made at VBS in W.Va at my Nana and Papa's church... Sadly that church today is a community center..

There were also two week VBS's back in the good ole days that one could attend with each week having a huge craft you worked on each day... The down side to this was if you began attending in the middle of the week ..... Oh well... you get the picture... or maybe you didn't if you attended later in the week!

Either way I have always had a great admiration for VBS and the people who took their time to work with children... I have worked in VBS from the time I was a youth til this day some 35 years later... Yes I am old.... And have actually enjoyed it... Children are important to God's kingdom and we do not need to see them as a burden... or a pain....(Yes even my children and your children are not pains)... We need to see them as people who need a Savior.... And that Savior is Jesus Christ... So let me encourage you to look at your children and other children you know as souls that need to be saved....

The question is what am I doing about it? What are you doing about it? My prayer is that we are taking the opportunity each and every day to share the love of Christ with them every chance we get!

And Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And He took the children in His arms and blessed them." Mark 10:14 - 16

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to see children as your creations needing a Savior!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Didja' ever think the oil would stop flowing from the pipe in the gulf? After 87 days BP might have got the problem fixed....Now we will have to listen to the pundits talk about what BP should have done to take care of the problem sooner. (yea...) With all of the hearings and testimonies from all the experts it came down to a lid... yes a lid that solved the problem...something that simple....

Isn't this the way it is with God and how He works with us... He tells us to do something for Him sometimes ...But not only for Him but something that might even be beneficial for us....We then form a committee to study the issue...We report back with "our" professional findings to God and go with our findings... Oh yea, there's a story in the Old Testament about this when the 12 spies went into the promised and scoped out the area for Moses.... They came back and 10 said we'll never take the land... God brought us here to die....But 2 said, "With God we can do anything!" Whose professional testimony did the people believe ... the 10 of course and this got the people an extra 40 years wandering around in the wilderness....

It's a great story in Numbers 13... Numbers 14:2 - 3 states, The whole community told them,"If only we had died in the land of Egypt, or if only we had died in the wilderness... Why did the LORD bring us here to die by the sword."

We have to trust God when HE tells us to do something... He will provide the answer and He will help us meet our needs!

Hope the lid holds...

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help us to trust you when we want to become professionals and not listen to you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

With VBS just around the corner, we're gearing up for a splendiferous week of Christ filled fun at the church as we travel around America learning about Jesus. Looking for a great group to join us on this adventure... Praying God will allow us to reach children for Him this week as we travel.

With prayer in mind I want to ask you to pray for our VBS at this time and also to pray for the plans God has for our church for the future. We are preparing to see God's blessing after He sends the rain. It's beginning to "sprinkle" now and we are already feeling the effects of just the few sprinkles He has sent our way.

How are you preparing for the "rain" God wants to send your way? Are you praying for hit and miss showers or are you praying for a steady downpour? I know that I am praying for the steady showers... but then I'm afraid I'm not ready to handle the showers when they fall.. But if I can handle them where would that leave God...

Jesus tells us to: "Pray to the LORD of the harvest to send workers out into His harvest fields." Matthew 9:38

Are we ready to work in the harvest? I sure hope so because the rain is coming and the harvest is about ready to be brought into the storehouse!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to be a harvester for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Today was a very hard day for me with a great high and a low happening all in the same day. The low was when I learned Ms. Elaine Smith passed away this afternoon. She was my children's Sunday School teacher for three years. Zachary my oldest had Ms. Elaine for the longest time and he loved her and Mr. Ben very much. She allowed Zach to be her helper and he took this job seriously and this allowed God to work in Zach's life tremendously in the area of being a servant.
Thank you God for Ms. Elaine's life of service to you and what she has meant to all those she showed your love.

My high point today was being able to get in contact with my cousin Jeff that I have not spoken to in 20 years. He is a Pastor in West Virginia and has been serving the Lord for over 20 years. I thank God for him and his service to God! I also found out his oldest son is in Iraq serving our country. He also shared with me other news in regards to his family that brought glory to God!

I praise my God for you because of the grace God has given you in Christ Jesus. I thank God because in Christ you have been made rich in every way, in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. Jesus will keep you strong to the very end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD, is faithful. I Corinthians 1:4,5, 8&9

I thank God for the blessing of knowing Ms. Elaine here on earth and the opportunity to serve with her in God's kingdom. She will be missed!!!

Please pray for both of these families during this time.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's Monday... A start of a new week... Ugh! Why is it that we always seem to have the "Monday Morning Blues?" After a time of refreshing over the weekend with family and friends one would think that we would approach the new week with enthusiasm and joy, but no we face the prospect of a new week with fear and trepidation.

God tells us to face the day for today and not worry about tomorrow or what it might hold. Yet we worry about the Monday's in our lives over and over again...Jesus came to this world not only to give us new life but also to help us in overcoming our "Monday Morning Blues." SO let me invite you to join me in saying goodbye to the "Monday Blues" and hello to "Monday Funday" as we get through today together and look forward to what God has planned for us!

"For God's anger endureth but a moment; in His favor is life:weeping may endure for a night but joy comes on a "Monday!" Psalm 30:5 Bold word is my paraphrase 8>)

Prayer of the Day: Jesus allow me to experience joy today in you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know that President Taft was the last President to own a White House cow and the first to own a White House Automobile? Quite an accomplishment....

July 9th will be the last day of production for the Chrysler PT Cruiser.... It was great when it first came out back in the early 2000's but it never was updated or changed.....

Just like President Taft and the last cow and owning the first automobile at the White House... And the end of the PT Cruiser... We have to change...There's a quote that I read a long time ago that states,"If you stop learning today, you start dying tomorrow."

We as Christians have to change in order to stay fresh in the world today...We have to keep our relationship with Jesus constantly watered by praying, reading the Bible, and being involved in His work. We have to exercise our faith daily to stay fit in the world around us...If not, we will grow stale and be like a stagnant pond with algae growing on the top of us and "oxygen" deprived below the surface which will eventually cause us to be non - productive.

Let me encourage us to get busy exercising our faith for Jesus so that we can be "healthy" to all who see us in the world today!

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God ... this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is... His good, plesaing, and perfect will."
Romans 12 : 1- 2

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help keep me fresh daily in your world.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

With Oscar laying beside me I am writing this blog... Bad news everywhere.... Two year old child just found murdered by his dad and dumped in a trash can...Not the greatest example in the Holy City of Charleston on child rearing...

Kinda' puts a damper on the day...questions of why??? questions of how???

willl learn soon these details... not looking forward to them... Have been reading a Church history book on the early church fathers...they were killed for their beliefs....what a waste of God's men...just like the waste of the little boy that was killed.

Proverbs 3: 5- 6 tells us."Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Even when the news is bad ...even when we feel bad...even when we don't understand... God tells us to trust Him...

Prayer of the Day: Lord help me continue to trust when I do not always understand...

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wandering, wandering, wandering, ... My life is like a ship adrift and driven by a gale, no guiding light no port in sight no rudder or sail... A part of the song from a youth musical from the 70's called "I Believe" Are you wandering or are you wondering??? Wandering from God's will or wondering what is God's will for my life?

It's one thing to wander away from God after knowing what His will is... "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD" Colossians 3:17 You have to always give your best in what you are doing at that particular time... If you are not giving your best you are wandering!

Wondering is where you are not doing that much for God if anything at all and you are waiting on that mountain top experience for God to break open the clouds and show you His will. (Good Luck With That!) Ecclesiastes tells us, "Whatever your hand finds for you to do, do it to the best of your ability." Ecclesiastes 9:10 God will not show you His will for the future if you are not involved in His work now... Get busy serving God now and He will most assuredly show you His will for the future!

Don't be like the boat with no guidance from anywhere! Allow God to guide you and He will lead you where you need to go!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus guide me today and forever!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

With Six You Get Eggrolls... Or at least that's the way it was several years ago in Chinese resturants in the area... Now you get Kids Eat Free on Tuesdays... BOGO on Thursdays... The list goes on.... and on.... We are always looking for the deal... And someone is always wanting to make us a deal...Television game show that is now backon after being gone for a long time is "Let's Make a Deal" what a show.... When it first came on people would dress up in all kinds of ridiculous outfits to try and get on the show...

And they were wanting to make a deal..... Trade this box for that box this curtain for that curtain... All wanting to win the big prize while avoiding the zinger prize... I saw a lady win a burro on the original show with Monty Hall back in the late 60's LOL... While others did win the big prize ... A new car ... or a trip somewhere... It was all free... they won it.... but at the end of the show when they walkied off the stage there was a special person to greet them... The IRS agent... He wanted to know how the lady would be paying the tax on the burro... the new car... the trip... etc.

You see nothing in life is free... it has to be paid for by someone... our sin has a payment too... it is our life... For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 We want to make a deal with God but the deal has already been made...

Jesus paid the price for me and for you!!! What a Savior! Enjoy your salvation... share it with others.... Because it came at a great price... We have the grand prize of all Jesus... The world only offers the zinger prizes... Which would you rather have? The "Burro" or Eternity with Jesus?
My prayer is that you pick Jesus! Guess what there are no zingers with Him!

Prayer of the Day: Thanks you Jesus for the greatest gift of all... Salvation!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday's Musings

Well it's the 5th of July, the day after the 4th... (duh...) I know... but still I am thankful for living in the USA!

How about you? Are you thankful for living in the land of the free and home of the brave?? Sure you are...I was watching "Evan Almighty" today on TV ... at the end of the movie the question is asked, " How do you change the world?"

The answer was, "By one Act of Random Kindness." or ARK

The Gaither Vocal Band sang a song years ago called "Build an Ark" Go to You Tube and find it... you will be blessed....(hope you find it)

To keep America free... we as believers have to do one Act of Random Kindness everyday and by doing this we will bring others on board with us....bring them on the ARK...

The ARK is what saved Noah and his family...from the flood.... The ARK for us is Jesus and He is what will save us from the "flood"...

'I am the way the truth and the life, no one coms to the Father except through Me." John 14:6

So who are you and I helping bring to Jesus? I hope as many as we possibly can!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me tell people about you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact (Or is it?)

Larry Walters on this day in 1982 ascended to the altitude of 16,000 feet in a lawn chair attached to 45 helium balloons. This was indeed a record and made the news for several days. To descend he shot balloons with a pellet gun until he dropped the gun by accident thus landing in power lines which caused a black - out of a major portion of a city for about an hour.

Larry quit his job as a truck driver and became a motivational speaker for a few years, but sadly his fifteen seconds of fame did not produce the financial gain he had hoped and in 1993 he commited suicide.

Have you had your fifteen seconds of fame yet??? It is said most people will realize fifteen seconds of fame during their lifetime... for some it produces great financial game... for most it produces heart - ache and pain.

As the old knight in the Indiana Jones film said when the villain was choosing the "Holy Grail" cup, "Choose wisely." When the wrong cup was chosen and the villain died, the knight said, "He chose poorly."

When your fifteen seconds of fame strikes may I suggest you choose wisely...If your fifteen seconds of fame has already struck... be thankful... now move on and get ahead with life.

Paul tells us to (my paraphrase here) "Don't look back! Look where you're going! Press on toward the goal God has called you to heaven for in Jesus!" Philippians 3:14b

If you do this, no matter what, life will be successful for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!
