Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

It's interesting in today's society to see how much times have changed in regards to religious education for individuals. One can watch television preachers where there are thousands each week"hearing" the Word of God...And individuals come to worship each Sunday and never open their Bible...(Why is that?)

I believe there has been a devaluing of religious education in favor of the "worship experience." So now we have all of these people who like to worship but can't find Obadiah in the Bible and don't even know who he was....Or where the book is located....

But small group Bible study is where you can ask questions, build relationships and enjoy the company of other believers in a comfortable setting.... if you have a question in worship you can't raise your hand and ask the preacher to clarify a point for you that he has just made.... (Well you can if you are in Russia or another European country).... But not usually here in America...

I believe we have to get back to the basics of learning God's Word so that we can share it with others we come in contact...."Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of God."
2 Timothy 2:15

So attend small group Bible Study and worship to get the most out of your walk with God!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to continue to learn more about You!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

With another 3 - 5 inches of rain heading our way looking forward to a soggy Wednesday Night and Thursday morning... Even though it is cloudy outside there is still a reason to be joyful on the inside! Jesus sends showers of blessings in so many different forms whether the wet showers or the showers of His love pouring down on us....

When you are receiving showers... Sometimes good or bad... Know Jesus is always with you and that He has what is best for you in mind...

He promises to "Never leave or forsake us in times of trouble"

Prayer of the Day: Jesus thank you for all of your many showers that you send our way!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Divine Intervention.... What does that actually mean??? Is it a cosmic force that shows up sometimes to help people who are in need??? Is it a big bunny rabbit from down the street that drops by and brings gifts??? Is it a girl or lady named Divine that intervenes for you in some specific way???

I was told that "Divine Intervention" happened for my mom... Four years ago she had a brain anuerysm that she recovered from.. and yesterday she found out she has another one in the same place ... And the Doctor told her it was "Divine Intervention" that helped her yesterday....Don't hear me saying that I am not thankful for the intervention that took place for my mom...

What I'm saying is that it was the God of the universe that helped my mom... A God that we can know personally and talk to pesonally and He will hear us....Not a "Divine Interventionist" that shows up sometimes in a random fashion to help this person or that person...

I have a God that I know hears me when I call... One who cares for my every need... Isn't it great to know that as His children God is right there beside us all the way...

I John 5:14 says, "This is the confiedence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."

The key is asking according to His will!! Not ours!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to ask according to Your will and not my own.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know Albert Einstein was four years old when he began to talk? I wonder what his first words were?? Do you remember when you first began to talk? A momentous occasion I know but one we don't usually mark on the calendar...

Talking is such a wonderful gift that God gave to us... We communicate words of love, encouragement, cheer and joy to one aanother. But we also use our words to say hurtful things to others as well. Let's make today... An Encouraging Word Friday... And tell everyone we come in contact something encouraging!!!

Proverbs 25:11 tells us, " A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

Let's make it an apples of gold and pictures of silver day!

Keep lookin' Up!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Today is the day you hoped you'd get to yesterday but wish now it was over so you can get on with tomorrow....Have you ever felt like this??? I know I sure have... With all the time saving things we have in our lives today we still never have enough time or energy to complete the tasks we need to finish today...

When will the merry-go-round end??? I'm glad you asked... It will end when you step off of it... The only problem is that it is going around really quickly and if you have been on the merry-go-round for a long time it is going awfully fast... SO guess what happens when you jump off??? You will hit the ground and it will hurt and you will roll.... and roll... and roll.. Till you stop....

Once you have gotten off the merry-go-round and recovered from the bumps and bruises from getting off.... Please do not get on it again... I repeat.. Do not get back on the merry-go-round again! People will try to guilt you back on because you're living at a different pace than they are but do not get drawn back in to that type of lifestyle...

Jesus tells us,"Don't worry about tomorow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Stay off the rides of the world and stick to the teachings of Jesus!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to stay away from the merry-go-round of this world and help me to follow you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's Tuesday! 21 years ago today Hurricane Hugo came through the Low Country wreaking havoc and destruction... Praise God we have not had to deal with any serious weather in a long time... Prayerfully this pattern will continue.... But if not... God is in control!!!

We have to remember that God is on our side no matter what comes our way and because of this we have nothing to fear!!! When we actually buy into this truth our lives will be less stressful and more praiseful as we look to God to meet all our needs.

This does not mean we will not go through hardships and trials... It means that as we go through them we have the peace in knowing God is with us at every step of the journey...

"The LORD reigns He is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

Prayer of the Day: Thank - you God for your awesome power!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's been a while since I've posted something on the world wide web....Was told by ATT that I could get internet at my house ... cancelled all of my other networking stuff... Guess what... No ATT internet... No Internet at home....

So I am now wondering do I actually need internet at home... Less money more time with family...and God.. Imagine that??? More time with God...

Then I thought.. It's not such a bad thing to have more God time and more family time...What did we do 30 years ago without all of the gadgets we have today??? What are we doing with the time we have???

Wasting it...that's what we're doing...Maybe not you but that's what I'm doing... so I have decided to wait and see how I continue to do without internet at home... How much longer my family can stand to be around me before they say..."Go back to the internet!" and leave us alone...

But spending time with God has been interesting as He has shown me new things in His word and by spending more time with Him it has allowed me to delight in Him!

Psalm 111: 2 - 4 "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever. He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear HIm; He remembers His covenant forever.

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to remeber your mighty works in and around me today and forever!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Yes we have no bananas is a cute saying from the past... It's like my yes I have had no blog for the past few days...But I'm back... Hope this finds all of you in good health!

We have started all of our fall programs at church and it has really been quite busy here at the church and at my home as well...I know all of you are going through the same things from homework to getting kids to practice... Life is busy...Even with all the new inventions we have today to make our lives better... We still seem not to have enough time...

James 4:13 - 17 tells us. " Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, buy and sell and get gain... Ye know not what shall be tomorrow.. For what is your life??? It is even a little vapor, that appeareth for a little while and then goes away.... For that you should say, If the LORD will, we shall live, and do this or that. But now you rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil... Therefor to him who knows how to do good and does it not... To him it is sin!

Time drags for kids and races for adults especially when you near 50 LOL The question is... How will we live life with the end coming?? Are we going to live for Jesus or for our retirements??? The choice is ours to make... I hope we make the right choice!

Let me encourage all of us to take the James' challenge and spend our time working for Jesus the author and fimisher of our faith!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to spend more time with you...

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Well back to work today after the break yesterday...In seminary I had a class that required I read the book "When I Relax I feel Guilty." It was interesting to read how many different ways there are to relax anywhere you are... One of the best ways that I read was to take a minute vacation... This is where you take a minute to close your eyes and just think about your favorite place for a minute to relax your mind...

The book of Philippians tells us to do the same thing when it says, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble,whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy think on these things." Philippians 4:8

Take a minute to think about these things and experience how God will use this time to help you focus on Him! So relax and enjoy God today!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to focus on you today!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday's Musings

With Nathan not feeling well today I am again watching old movies that are on television... Nathan wants to watch "Star Wars" so we have watched Numbers IV, V and VI...Which is almost over....(Thank Goodness) I don't know how much more Luke and Darth Vader I can take...All in one day....

Today is the traditional last day of summer... With cookouts and spending time with family usually high on people's lists....Let's not only remember our families but the many families who have loved one's far away in foreign countries serving us and helping to keep us free...With freedom comes responsibility not only for our country but also for our spiritual lives...We have a great freedom with our walk with Jesus...The salvation Jesus brings allows us to live free from the bondage of sin and shame... Let's use that freedom to live victorious today and everyday of our lives as we serve Him...."Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD." Romans 12:11

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help those today who have loves ones away from them that are serving our country helping to keep us free and help us to serve you each day.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know the most popular crossword subject is the Bible? It's hard to believe I know but it's true. People like to know all kinds of interesting facts from the Bible and about the Bible... But all to often they do not want to know about the Author...

I was in an English class one time in High School and someone did a paper about their pool... They used this sentence,"I was out and about the pool." The teacher said, "That's nice... but did you actually ever get into the pool?"

It's a shame people have so much head knowledge about God's Word but do not know Him...

As Christians we should help people not only gain head knowledge but also strive to help them find heart knowledge also, by the way we live....

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to live as an example of you to those around me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

In the book of 1st John we see God shown in three different ways:

1. God is Light... 1st John 1:5 "God is light and in Him is no darkness." It's a whole lot easier to walk in the light than it is in the darkness....

2. God is Love... 1st John 4:8 "He that loveth not; knoweth not God, for God is love so beloved let us love one another." John tells us that God is love and we are to love one another...

3. God is Life... 1st John 5:12 "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." The Son gives us life and makes our joy complete!

In the world today isn't it great to know that God gives us His light, His love, and His life and that makes our joy complete! Even when the world is tearing us apart we still have the assurance that God still cares for us and will help see us through any situation. I thank God each day for His Light... His Love...and His Life and my prayer is that you will do the same as we serve together to further His Kingdom no matter where we are located!

Prayer of the Day: I praise you God for your Life, Love, and Life you have given to each one who has accepted your free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

How many different states have you lived in??? (No. I don't mean the state of confusion, or the state of depression either...) But how many different states or cities have you lived in during your lifetime??? In my lifetime I have had the opportunity to live in 7 different states and 13 different cities. With each of these new locations came a different set of customs and how things were accomplished. When I was small these did not matter to me as much as they did when I grew older. When we get to experience these different lifestyles and communities we have to adapt our way of life to them somewhat.

When I lived in Hillsboro, Illinois a farming and mining community things were done differently than they were when I lived in Fort Worth, Texas. The way of life was different in Hillsboro, there was a gentler pace of life in comparison to Fort Worth which was more hectic. What am I striving to get across...You ask?

The Christian life can be like this sometimes. Sometimes we are in the calm of the "green pastures" and "still water" and then there are times in our lives when we are before our enemies with the cliffs on one side and the raging river on the other. With each "state" we are in.... isn't it comforting to know God is with us no matter what is happening. Whether the calm or the hectic God is always there. Take time to thank Him today for His presence in all the different "states" of our lives.

"The Lord is a shelter by your side." Psalm 121:5

Prayer of the Day: Thank you God for being my protector even in all of my different "states."

Keep Lookin' Up!
