Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Fun Fact for the Day! I was on a "chain gang" For the first varsity football game for Ridge tonight! A first for me also'''' I was what they call a "boxman"? I realized quickly I was in the wrong postiton as I was the one doing all the running... Jason, Brent and Gentry held the sticks and placed the clip.... They ran very little.... okay they did not run at all....I placed the marker for each play and had to run to where te linesman told me to and mark the ball... Quite an interesting night! I learned alot!!!

Our first game was not a win for our team but they gained valuable experience. They played on a soaked field and were tired and wet but did their best... I was awfully proud of them and our coaches...Well done guys! We'll do better next time!

Jesus tells us the same thing when we don't have a great outing for Him. We mess up and He takes care of us! He tells us over and over again that He will never leave us or forsake us! And you know what I have found out in studying His Word??? "He will never leave us or forsake us!" In John 10:10b Jesus tell us,"I have come that they might have life and have it to the full!"

Let's live life to the full no matter whether we win or lose on the scoreboard...With Jesus we always win!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus thanks for being with us when we lose and don't win.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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