Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tomorrow is my son's 12th birthday..Hard to believe he is 12 years old already...Where has the time gone??? What a story to tell about that day but not enough time today to tell it.. Maybe tomorrow!

Roy Clark sang a song back in the 70's called "Yesterday When I was Young" find it on You Tube.. It's a classic...When I look back on my Yesterdays...It sure doesn't seem that I'm looking dare I say 50ish in the face...

Always remember to look forward not backward on life and what God has in store for you... It's hard sometimes because we've had some great days...also some sorry days...But God has our lives in His hands and we have to have the faith to put our lives in His hands.. No matter what yesterday held or tomorrow will hold... God knows what is best for us!!!

My son is really excited about his birthday tomorrow as well as he should be...He is a great kid! And I love him very much! Happy Birthday Zach!!!

"Don't worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday only worry about today for it has enough worry on its own" Matthew 6:34 Brian's paraphrase

Prayer of the Day: Jesus let me have the faith to trust you wwith my life.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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