Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact (Or is it?)

Larry Walters on this day in 1982 ascended to the altitude of 16,000 feet in a lawn chair attached to 45 helium balloons. This was indeed a record and made the news for several days. To descend he shot balloons with a pellet gun until he dropped the gun by accident thus landing in power lines which caused a black - out of a major portion of a city for about an hour.

Larry quit his job as a truck driver and became a motivational speaker for a few years, but sadly his fifteen seconds of fame did not produce the financial gain he had hoped and in 1993 he commited suicide.

Have you had your fifteen seconds of fame yet??? It is said most people will realize fifteen seconds of fame during their lifetime... for some it produces great financial game... for most it produces heart - ache and pain.

As the old knight in the Indiana Jones film said when the villain was choosing the "Holy Grail" cup, "Choose wisely." When the wrong cup was chosen and the villain died, the knight said, "He chose poorly."

When your fifteen seconds of fame strikes may I suggest you choose wisely...If your fifteen seconds of fame has already struck... be thankful... now move on and get ahead with life.

Paul tells us to (my paraphrase here) "Don't look back! Look where you're going! Press on toward the goal God has called you to heaven for in Jesus!" Philippians 3:14b

If you do this, no matter what, life will be successful for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


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