Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Didja' ever think the oil would stop flowing from the pipe in the gulf? After 87 days BP might have got the problem fixed....Now we will have to listen to the pundits talk about what BP should have done to take care of the problem sooner. (yea...) With all of the hearings and testimonies from all the experts it came down to a lid... yes a lid that solved the problem...something that simple....

Isn't this the way it is with God and how He works with us... He tells us to do something for Him sometimes ...But not only for Him but something that might even be beneficial for us....We then form a committee to study the issue...We report back with "our" professional findings to God and go with our findings... Oh yea, there's a story in the Old Testament about this when the 12 spies went into the promised and scoped out the area for Moses.... They came back and 10 said we'll never take the land... God brought us here to die....But 2 said, "With God we can do anything!" Whose professional testimony did the people believe ... the 10 of course and this got the people an extra 40 years wandering around in the wilderness....

It's a great story in Numbers 13... Numbers 14:2 - 3 states, The whole community told them,"If only we had died in the land of Egypt, or if only we had died in the wilderness... Why did the LORD bring us here to die by the sword."

We have to trust God when HE tells us to do something... He will provide the answer and He will help us meet our needs!

Hope the lid holds...

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help us to trust you when we want to become professionals and not listen to you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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