Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's Monday... A start of a new week... Ugh! Why is it that we always seem to have the "Monday Morning Blues?" After a time of refreshing over the weekend with family and friends one would think that we would approach the new week with enthusiasm and joy, but no we face the prospect of a new week with fear and trepidation.

God tells us to face the day for today and not worry about tomorrow or what it might hold. Yet we worry about the Monday's in our lives over and over again...Jesus came to this world not only to give us new life but also to help us in overcoming our "Monday Morning Blues." SO let me invite you to join me in saying goodbye to the "Monday Blues" and hello to "Monday Funday" as we get through today together and look forward to what God has planned for us!

"For God's anger endureth but a moment; in His favor is life:weeping may endure for a night but joy comes on a "Monday!" Psalm 30:5 Bold word is my paraphrase 8>)

Prayer of the Day: Jesus allow me to experience joy today in you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


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