Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday's Musings

Vacation Bible School started last night with a fairly good attendance... We will end on Thursday night with our Family Night at 6pm on Sunday... With this in mind I think back to my years of attending VBS at various locations during the summer... My best two crafts ever were a church that was made out of an 8 oz. milk carton and a coaster made out of small stones... Each of these were made at VBS in W.Va at my Nana and Papa's church... Sadly that church today is a community center..

There were also two week VBS's back in the good ole days that one could attend with each week having a huge craft you worked on each day... The down side to this was if you began attending in the middle of the week ..... Oh well... you get the picture... or maybe you didn't if you attended later in the week!

Either way I have always had a great admiration for VBS and the people who took their time to work with children... I have worked in VBS from the time I was a youth til this day some 35 years later... Yes I am old.... And have actually enjoyed it... Children are important to God's kingdom and we do not need to see them as a burden... or a pain....(Yes even my children and your children are not pains)... We need to see them as people who need a Savior.... And that Savior is Jesus Christ... So let me encourage you to look at your children and other children you know as souls that need to be saved....

The question is what am I doing about it? What are you doing about it? My prayer is that we are taking the opportunity each and every day to share the love of Christ with them every chance we get!

And Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And He took the children in His arms and blessed them." Mark 10:14 - 16

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to see children as your creations needing a Savior!

Keep Lookin' Up!


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