Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Today was a very hard day for me with a great high and a low happening all in the same day. The low was when I learned Ms. Elaine Smith passed away this afternoon. She was my children's Sunday School teacher for three years. Zachary my oldest had Ms. Elaine for the longest time and he loved her and Mr. Ben very much. She allowed Zach to be her helper and he took this job seriously and this allowed God to work in Zach's life tremendously in the area of being a servant.
Thank you God for Ms. Elaine's life of service to you and what she has meant to all those she showed your love.

My high point today was being able to get in contact with my cousin Jeff that I have not spoken to in 20 years. He is a Pastor in West Virginia and has been serving the Lord for over 20 years. I thank God for him and his service to God! I also found out his oldest son is in Iraq serving our country. He also shared with me other news in regards to his family that brought glory to God!

I praise my God for you because of the grace God has given you in Christ Jesus. I thank God because in Christ you have been made rich in every way, in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. Jesus will keep you strong to the very end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD, is faithful. I Corinthians 1:4,5, 8&9

I thank God for the blessing of knowing Ms. Elaine here on earth and the opportunity to serve with her in God's kingdom. She will be missed!!!

Please pray for both of these families during this time.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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