Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wondering why it's so hard to follow the statement "Your actions always follow your beliefs."

But do all of our actions always follow our beliefs?? Or are there times when we slip and follow another set of rules even for just a moment.... So does that actually mean we don't believe our beliefs... Or do we have a "slip - up" clause....

Man, this Christianity thing is really tough....I take some solace in the fact that Paul also had a tough time with this when he tells us; "We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do - this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it." Romans 7: 14 - 20

Whew!!! SO there is always a constant battle between good and evil going on inside of us 24/7....

My prayer is that we will strive to do the good and continue to strive to do the good no matter what!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to do the good I need to do and not the evil.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Hello Blogger World!

It's been such a long time... I think I should be goin' time doesn't wait for me.... That's for sure...

Been through a lot these past 45 days or so it seems.. Everyone has problems and trials... Time to get up and get back in the game....

Been studying the Book of James... just for myself and have found some intertesting things....

James 1:2 - 4 "Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

When we perservere we mature and by maturing our faith is tested, and this testing of faith produces steadfastness and perserverance. Patience must be permitted to attain its full effect to the end that the Christian may reach maturity and completeness in Christian character.

And no matter how long we're in this walk with Jesus we need to keep maturing daily.... SO bring on the trials!!! Because when they come Maturity is on the way!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to look to you when the trials of life come!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opened October 1, 1971... Hard to believe there was ever a time without "Mickey and the Gang" down in Orlando. I can't wait to see the 50th Anniversary event... Gold plated "Mickey's" everywhere!!!

But until then... we will just have to wait and watch for the preparation of the city of Orlando and the Park to celebrate this momentous occasion....

There's another occasion we all need to prepare for and that is the day we meet Jesus..."What a day it will be when my Jesus I shall see... When I look upon His face the One who saved me by His grace!" Can you "feel" it???

Feel what? you ask... Feel the excitement of seeing Jesus for the first time.... And the joy that it will bring will be something like we've never felt before... And just think you will have that feeling for an eternity!!!!

Think back in your life to the most joyous occasion you have ever experienced....And when you see Jesus it will be a million times better!!!!

What a Savior!!! So let's begin the preparation today for the homecoming we will get whenwe get to heaven!!! Tell Somebody what Jesus has done for you!!!

"While we wait for the blessed hope - the glorious appearing of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all the wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good." Titus 2:13 - 14

Prayer of the Day: "Jesus help us to prepare to meet you one day.. By telling others about your love!"

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

It's interesting in today's society to see how much times have changed in regards to religious education for individuals. One can watch television preachers where there are thousands each week"hearing" the Word of God...And individuals come to worship each Sunday and never open their Bible...(Why is that?)

I believe there has been a devaluing of religious education in favor of the "worship experience." So now we have all of these people who like to worship but can't find Obadiah in the Bible and don't even know who he was....Or where the book is located....

But small group Bible study is where you can ask questions, build relationships and enjoy the company of other believers in a comfortable setting.... if you have a question in worship you can't raise your hand and ask the preacher to clarify a point for you that he has just made.... (Well you can if you are in Russia or another European country).... But not usually here in America...

I believe we have to get back to the basics of learning God's Word so that we can share it with others we come in contact...."Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of God."
2 Timothy 2:15

So attend small group Bible Study and worship to get the most out of your walk with God!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to continue to learn more about You!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

With another 3 - 5 inches of rain heading our way looking forward to a soggy Wednesday Night and Thursday morning... Even though it is cloudy outside there is still a reason to be joyful on the inside! Jesus sends showers of blessings in so many different forms whether the wet showers or the showers of His love pouring down on us....

When you are receiving showers... Sometimes good or bad... Know Jesus is always with you and that He has what is best for you in mind...

He promises to "Never leave or forsake us in times of trouble"

Prayer of the Day: Jesus thank you for all of your many showers that you send our way!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Divine Intervention.... What does that actually mean??? Is it a cosmic force that shows up sometimes to help people who are in need??? Is it a big bunny rabbit from down the street that drops by and brings gifts??? Is it a girl or lady named Divine that intervenes for you in some specific way???

I was told that "Divine Intervention" happened for my mom... Four years ago she had a brain anuerysm that she recovered from.. and yesterday she found out she has another one in the same place ... And the Doctor told her it was "Divine Intervention" that helped her yesterday....Don't hear me saying that I am not thankful for the intervention that took place for my mom...

What I'm saying is that it was the God of the universe that helped my mom... A God that we can know personally and talk to pesonally and He will hear us....Not a "Divine Interventionist" that shows up sometimes in a random fashion to help this person or that person...

I have a God that I know hears me when I call... One who cares for my every need... Isn't it great to know that as His children God is right there beside us all the way...

I John 5:14 says, "This is the confiedence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."

The key is asking according to His will!! Not ours!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to ask according to Your will and not my own.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know Albert Einstein was four years old when he began to talk? I wonder what his first words were?? Do you remember when you first began to talk? A momentous occasion I know but one we don't usually mark on the calendar...

Talking is such a wonderful gift that God gave to us... We communicate words of love, encouragement, cheer and joy to one aanother. But we also use our words to say hurtful things to others as well. Let's make today... An Encouraging Word Friday... And tell everyone we come in contact something encouraging!!!

Proverbs 25:11 tells us, " A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

Let's make it an apples of gold and pictures of silver day!

Keep lookin' Up!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Today is the day you hoped you'd get to yesterday but wish now it was over so you can get on with tomorrow....Have you ever felt like this??? I know I sure have... With all the time saving things we have in our lives today we still never have enough time or energy to complete the tasks we need to finish today...

When will the merry-go-round end??? I'm glad you asked... It will end when you step off of it... The only problem is that it is going around really quickly and if you have been on the merry-go-round for a long time it is going awfully fast... SO guess what happens when you jump off??? You will hit the ground and it will hurt and you will roll.... and roll... and roll.. Till you stop....

Once you have gotten off the merry-go-round and recovered from the bumps and bruises from getting off.... Please do not get on it again... I repeat.. Do not get back on the merry-go-round again! People will try to guilt you back on because you're living at a different pace than they are but do not get drawn back in to that type of lifestyle...

Jesus tells us,"Don't worry about tomorow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

Stay off the rides of the world and stick to the teachings of Jesus!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to stay away from the merry-go-round of this world and help me to follow you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's Tuesday! 21 years ago today Hurricane Hugo came through the Low Country wreaking havoc and destruction... Praise God we have not had to deal with any serious weather in a long time... Prayerfully this pattern will continue.... But if not... God is in control!!!

We have to remember that God is on our side no matter what comes our way and because of this we have nothing to fear!!! When we actually buy into this truth our lives will be less stressful and more praiseful as we look to God to meet all our needs.

This does not mean we will not go through hardships and trials... It means that as we go through them we have the peace in knowing God is with us at every step of the journey...

"The LORD reigns He is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved." Psalm 93:1

Prayer of the Day: Thank - you God for your awesome power!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's been a while since I've posted something on the world wide web....Was told by ATT that I could get internet at my house ... cancelled all of my other networking stuff... Guess what... No ATT internet... No Internet at home....

So I am now wondering do I actually need internet at home... Less money more time with family...and God.. Imagine that??? More time with God...

Then I thought.. It's not such a bad thing to have more God time and more family time...What did we do 30 years ago without all of the gadgets we have today??? What are we doing with the time we have???

Wasting it...that's what we're doing...Maybe not you but that's what I'm doing... so I have decided to wait and see how I continue to do without internet at home... How much longer my family can stand to be around me before they say..."Go back to the internet!" and leave us alone...

But spending time with God has been interesting as He has shown me new things in His word and by spending more time with Him it has allowed me to delight in Him!

Psalm 111: 2 - 4 "Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who who delight in them. Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever. He has caused His wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and compassionate. He provides food for those who fear HIm; He remembers His covenant forever.

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to remeber your mighty works in and around me today and forever!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Yes we have no bananas is a cute saying from the past... It's like my yes I have had no blog for the past few days...But I'm back... Hope this finds all of you in good health!

We have started all of our fall programs at church and it has really been quite busy here at the church and at my home as well...I know all of you are going through the same things from homework to getting kids to practice... Life is busy...Even with all the new inventions we have today to make our lives better... We still seem not to have enough time...

James 4:13 - 17 tells us. " Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year, buy and sell and get gain... Ye know not what shall be tomorrow.. For what is your life??? It is even a little vapor, that appeareth for a little while and then goes away.... For that you should say, If the LORD will, we shall live, and do this or that. But now you rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil... Therefor to him who knows how to do good and does it not... To him it is sin!

Time drags for kids and races for adults especially when you near 50 LOL The question is... How will we live life with the end coming?? Are we going to live for Jesus or for our retirements??? The choice is ours to make... I hope we make the right choice!

Let me encourage all of us to take the James' challenge and spend our time working for Jesus the author and fimisher of our faith!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to spend more time with you...

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Well back to work today after the break yesterday...In seminary I had a class that required I read the book "When I Relax I feel Guilty." It was interesting to read how many different ways there are to relax anywhere you are... One of the best ways that I read was to take a minute vacation... This is where you take a minute to close your eyes and just think about your favorite place for a minute to relax your mind...

The book of Philippians tells us to do the same thing when it says, "Whatever is true, whatever is noble,whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praise worthy think on these things." Philippians 4:8

Take a minute to think about these things and experience how God will use this time to help you focus on Him! So relax and enjoy God today!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to focus on you today!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Monday's Musings

With Nathan not feeling well today I am again watching old movies that are on television... Nathan wants to watch "Star Wars" so we have watched Numbers IV, V and VI...Which is almost over....(Thank Goodness) I don't know how much more Luke and Darth Vader I can take...All in one day....

Today is the traditional last day of summer... With cookouts and spending time with family usually high on people's lists....Let's not only remember our families but the many families who have loved one's far away in foreign countries serving us and helping to keep us free...With freedom comes responsibility not only for our country but also for our spiritual lives...We have a great freedom with our walk with Jesus...The salvation Jesus brings allows us to live free from the bondage of sin and shame... Let's use that freedom to live victorious today and everyday of our lives as we serve Him...."Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD." Romans 12:11

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help those today who have loves ones away from them that are serving our country helping to keep us free and help us to serve you each day.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know the most popular crossword subject is the Bible? It's hard to believe I know but it's true. People like to know all kinds of interesting facts from the Bible and about the Bible... But all to often they do not want to know about the Author...

I was in an English class one time in High School and someone did a paper about their pool... They used this sentence,"I was out and about the pool." The teacher said, "That's nice... but did you actually ever get into the pool?"

It's a shame people have so much head knowledge about God's Word but do not know Him...

As Christians we should help people not only gain head knowledge but also strive to help them find heart knowledge also, by the way we live....

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to live as an example of you to those around me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

In the book of 1st John we see God shown in three different ways:

1. God is Light... 1st John 1:5 "God is light and in Him is no darkness." It's a whole lot easier to walk in the light than it is in the darkness....

2. God is Love... 1st John 4:8 "He that loveth not; knoweth not God, for God is love so beloved let us love one another." John tells us that God is love and we are to love one another...

3. God is Life... 1st John 5:12 "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life." The Son gives us life and makes our joy complete!

In the world today isn't it great to know that God gives us His light, His love, and His life and that makes our joy complete! Even when the world is tearing us apart we still have the assurance that God still cares for us and will help see us through any situation. I thank God each day for His Light... His Love...and His Life and my prayer is that you will do the same as we serve together to further His Kingdom no matter where we are located!

Prayer of the Day: I praise you God for your Life, Love, and Life you have given to each one who has accepted your free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

How many different states have you lived in??? (No. I don't mean the state of confusion, or the state of depression either...) But how many different states or cities have you lived in during your lifetime??? In my lifetime I have had the opportunity to live in 7 different states and 13 different cities. With each of these new locations came a different set of customs and how things were accomplished. When I was small these did not matter to me as much as they did when I grew older. When we get to experience these different lifestyles and communities we have to adapt our way of life to them somewhat.

When I lived in Hillsboro, Illinois a farming and mining community things were done differently than they were when I lived in Fort Worth, Texas. The way of life was different in Hillsboro, there was a gentler pace of life in comparison to Fort Worth which was more hectic. What am I striving to get across...You ask?

The Christian life can be like this sometimes. Sometimes we are in the calm of the "green pastures" and "still water" and then there are times in our lives when we are before our enemies with the cliffs on one side and the raging river on the other. With each "state" we are in.... isn't it comforting to know God is with us no matter what is happening. Whether the calm or the hectic God is always there. Take time to thank Him today for His presence in all the different "states" of our lives.

"The Lord is a shelter by your side." Psalm 121:5

Prayer of the Day: Thank you God for being my protector even in all of my different "states."

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday's Musings

Sunday School lesson yesterday was on "Slothfulness"... Not a hot topic usually in the theological realm but it does make for interesting thoughts....Especially in Sunday School...

Slothfulness is another word for LAZY...How can one be lazy in the church you ask??? By just sitting soaking and souring......That's why you have people who complain all the time about something in the church.... They are focused on what the church can do for me or what can the church give to me..whether physically or spiritually...

Amy Grant sang about people like this back in the day with the song. "Fat Baby or Fat Babies" They just sit waiting for their "bottle" then leave... Never growing up in Christ but just sitting drinking from their bottle "fat and happy" as long as everything is going their way....When it doesn't they are like "babies" crying and whining to anyone who will listen...

Don't see a piece of paper on the floor at church and say someone needs to pick that up... Pick it up yourself! Do something... get involved with Jesus' work!

Paul tells us, "We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; but are busybodies. Such people we command and URGE in the name of Jesus to settle down and earn the bread they eat. And as for you brothers never tire of doing what is right. " II Thessalonians 3:11 - 13

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to get involved with Your work.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Open House was tonight at Ridge... It was great to see the kids... All ready for school...

Anticipation... Anticipation.....It's making me's keeping me waiting.... Old Carly Simon song also used for a ketchup commercial....

Sometimes I feel this way about my walk with Jesus... Anticipation.. He keeps me waiting... Or does He??? Or am I the one who's keeping Him waiting??? Which is is?? That's what I constantly struggle with in my own life....Am I walking with Jesus or trying to lead Him...

In life the Bible tells us to keep in step with the Spirit..."Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh." Galatians 5:16

Anticipation it's a great feeling... When I walk with Jesus it's worth the wait!!! Let Jesus lead! And the walk will be great as we enjoy His presence in our lives!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus as I anticipate our walks together, help me to grow more like You.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tuesday the second day of teachers being back to the school...Meetings and catching back up on how the summer was... Today we also learned about why and how we need to wash our hands from Mike Miller... Boy that was sure exciting! I never knew germs could be in so many different places...from toilets to tea pots... We have to be careful... "Danger Lurking Everywhere!"

Ya' know sin is the same way ... It's lurking everywhere and we never know when it's going to raise its ugly head... Paul tells us that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour anyone he can... Have you ever seen the Discovery Channel showing lions hunting prey?? Do they roar and make a lot of noise before they go after their prey?? No they're quiet and always watching... Satan is the same way...

Be careful and watch what you're doing ... "Wash your hands" make sure you are "clean" everywhere you go!

There's not a temptation put before you that God does not give you an out." I Corinthians 10:13 Brian's Paraphrase

Prayer of the Day: Please help keep us clean before you Jesus.

Keep lookin' Up!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday's Musings

Shhh!!! Can you hear them??? Listen close... Shhh!!! Ya' gotta listen close I'm tellin' ya'....Can ya' hear them? It's all of those nagging voices going off in your head telling you that you're going to fail....Even when things are going well our mind tricks us into thinking we're not doing well and that we are going to fail...

How many times have you been told that you are doing a great job... and then have one person tell you that you stink and all you do is worry about the one person with the negative comment? Too many times I can tell you!

When are we going to stop listening to the "naysayers" and listen to the positive people? My prayer is that we will begin really soon.

In our Sunday School lesson we talked about being afraid... And I am afraid that is what we our most terrified of in the Christian walk than anything else...Just being afraid..Am I going to do something wrong?? Say something wrong??

Quit listening to the negative and listen to Jesus! He promised to help us and never leave us...So what do we have to be afraid of??? Absolutely nothing!!

Can ya' hear it? No really can ya' hear it?? Jesus' voice telling you to not be afraid!

"When I am afraid I will trust in you. In God whose Word I praise, in God I will trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? (Or his negative comments?) Brian's parahrase in parenthesis....Psalm 56:3 - 4

So let's get to it!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to trust your Words and not those negative words from man or those negative thoughts in my head.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Fun Fact for the Day! I was on a "chain gang" For the first varsity football game for Ridge tonight! A first for me also'''' I was what they call a "boxman"? I realized quickly I was in the wrong postiton as I was the one doing all the running... Jason, Brent and Gentry held the sticks and placed the clip.... They ran very little.... okay they did not run at all....I placed the marker for each play and had to run to where te linesman told me to and mark the ball... Quite an interesting night! I learned alot!!!

Our first game was not a win for our team but they gained valuable experience. They played on a soaked field and were tired and wet but did their best... I was awfully proud of them and our coaches...Well done guys! We'll do better next time!

Jesus tells us the same thing when we don't have a great outing for Him. We mess up and He takes care of us! He tells us over and over again that He will never leave us or forsake us! And you know what I have found out in studying His Word??? "He will never leave us or forsake us!" In John 10:10b Jesus tell us,"I have come that they might have life and have it to the full!"

Let's live life to the full no matter whether we win or lose on the scoreboard...With Jesus we always win!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus thanks for being with us when we lose and don't win.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

With thunder in the background I am writing today...Was selected to go on a free 4 day 3 night cruise leaving from Charleston today had a confirmation number and everything! Only problem was that I had to pick up the ticket on Sunday between a certain time and of course spend 90 minutes with someone telling me how great a deal I was in for....But the cruise??? Oh well GoodBye cruise.... Hello Time with Jesus!

Not blowing my horn or anything... Susan sat through one of those presentations b4 and said she would "HURT" me if I ever did that to her again... Plus she has Worship Kid Style Sunday and did not want to miss that...

Why is it there is always a "hook" in the deals???

Jesus gave us a great deal over 2000 years ago... No hooks ...No gimmicks.... No tricks...
Just truth...His truth...What a Savior!

Believe on Him and have a wonderful life!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Prayer of the Day: Thanks Jesus for No Hooks But truths!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Man did you see that girl? Oooh did you see that guy? Why is it that we place so much emphasis on the physical appearance of people and things...In the beginning that was the downfall of Adam and Eve... with the serpent.. When they saw that the fruit looked good and that it was good for food they ate it... When they saw...

Let's look again at David for a moment "up on the roof" when he looked over and saw Bathsheba and that she looked good he sent his servant to bring her to him... The servant told David.. you mean you want me to go get Uriah the Hittite's wife and bring her to you??? David saw that she looked good...

Looks can be deceiving..'Don't judge a book by its cover!" But we usually do...I know I'm guilty of it sometimes...Isn't it great to know GOd doesn't look on the outside but on the inside.

God tells Samuel in I Samuel 16:7, "Don't look at his height or appearance... I don't do that and I don't want you to either... Man looks on the inside but I judge people according to their hearts."

Let's strive to be more like God and look at the whole person instead of just looking at their looks.

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to look on the inside instead of the outside of an individual.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's a Super Tuesday.. At least I think so... Way back in the day when I worked with youth we used to have super Tuesdays where we did all kind of different activities. What a time we had going all over southern Illinois discovering many different things together... I miss those days... But I will always have the wonderful memories! Thanks y'all!

With time comes change and one cannot live in the past even with our relationship with Jesus. We set "Ebenezers" (Stones of remembrance) to remind us where we have been but we don't build our lives around those stones....Our memories.. Because as someone once said.. Once our memories exceed your dreams your life is over! Are you living on your memory of what your walk with Jesus used to be? Is your walk today with Jesus as great as it was in the past? If not, What needs to change to get it moving forward again...

Times change... Things change....Truths never change.... Jesus is still LORD and He wants to be LORD of your life... Memories are great but the present brings forth new opportunities to create more memories ... Let's get about making more memories wih Jesus!

Paul said, "Forgetting what's behind I press on toward the goal for which Jesus called me."
Phillipians 3:14 Brian's Paraprhase

Prayer for the Day:Jesus thanks for the memories... again help me make better memories with you today!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday's Musings

Whew.. Made it through the weekend ... just barely... Last Friday while opening the freezer door a frozen 2 Lb. bag of lil' smokies fell on my toe and broke it... Black and blue on Saturday morning... A little while later was changing a lightbulb in the hallway and was on a footstool... it proceeded to flip out from underneath of me and me, the light fixture and stool crumpled to the floor... Of course the footstool was Susan's favorite... She was not real happy with me...She did vacuum the glass off of me though...Footstool had been with us for over 15 years...

2 Hours later strong thunderstorms moved through... lightning strikes our house and of course all of the light bulbs that were on in the house blew out... yea get to change more lightbulbs... Got them changed with no more physical damage to myself.... Yea...

Had pity party... Lasted all of three minutes when I realized I was really blessed... No real injuries to myself... no real damage from a lightning strike....

"Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:18

Prayer of the Day: Thank you Jesus for all of your blessings!

Keep Looking Up!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

What a day! Up early....Made tea for Chris with Chris as he is a quick learner... taught him the secret sugar amounts needed to make our famous Ridge sweet tea. Helped him do an outreach meal at Cane Bay High School for the teachers and it was a huge success! Great job for coordinating this event Chris!

Working with others in helping build the kingdom of God is what it is all about! Now is the time to start helping build the kingdom of God...If not now.... when... If you would like to help here at Ridge give me a call or come by and see me...If you would like to start helping build the kingdom of God where you are get hold of your Pastor or other staff member and tell them you're here to help!

Jesus looked unto the fields and said, "The fields are ripe unto harvest, therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers unto the field to help bring in the harvest."
Matthew 9:37 - 38 (Brian's Paraphrase)

Folks the harvest is truly plentiful and the time to harvest is now! SO Let's get to it!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus show me where I need to go and who I need to talk with about You.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wow.. It's Wednesday already can you believe it??? So much to do and so little time to do it ....

Whining sometimes can be considered a Spiritual Gift.... (Brian's Translation) LOL

Wondering what to talk about today... Weather is always a great topic to talk about when one needs an ice breaker.... It sure was hot today... 93" the usual high temperature is only 90" No rain in sight for the next few days so we will need to water plants for a couple of days...

Which gives me a great new topic to wonder about... Water... It helps sustain life everywhere on earth. Without water you will die physically rather quickly... Without "water" you will one day die spiritually... Jesus talked to a woman at a well about this topic one day and she was really interested in the living water Jesus was talking to her about. Hoping she would never thirst again... She questioned Jesus on how she might attain this living water...Guess what.. He told her how to get this living water...

Are you thirsty for more than what you are experiencing right now in life??? I know life is really great for you right now... All the bills are paid and you are now building your nest egg for retirement...But is that all there is... are you still thirsty for more??? Jesus told the woman at the well there was more to this life... He told the rich young ruler that followed the commandments there was more to life than just money and commandment following...

To experience real living may I invite you to drink of the water Jesus is offering us today??? Experience life to the fullest! Jesus tells us: "I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible!

Drink in Jesus! Drink in Life! Drink in Happiness that only He can bring!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to constantly focus on you everyday of my life and fill my thirst with only the water you give.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday's Musings

Back to work... Lot's to do to get ready for the start of the Sunday School and school year! Was a great time in W.Va. last week... Looking and remembering...but alas I must move on... With the new year approaching for education both spiritually and academically getting prepared is half the battle. Not only preparing for the different studies but also preparing myself for the tasks at hand. There are different steps I take to prepare for these tasks and I would like to share them with you now:

1. Pray and seek God's face
2. Pray and seek God's face
3. Pray and seek God's face
4. Pray and seek God's face
5. Pray and seek God's face

Five easy steps to prepare for the new year but also five of the hardest steps to follow...

I like to do things on my own so to stop and pray and seek God's face is really hard for me to do! But to be successful I have to do it.... For you to be successful may I suggest you follow these simple steps.... Good Luck! May God Bless you in this wonderful adventure!

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me as I prepare to do _____________ (you fill in the blank for your own particular need.)

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Got up early and picked up the rest of the slate off the hill... It was cooler this morning and a lot easier to get the stone down the hill...Why stone you ask?? Because I made the mistake and told Susan... wouldn't that slate look good at the back of our house... And now I have a new project...(Thanks to me)...

Sometimes in life we see things that look rough and useless... And all it would take is a little work and you have something that would be beautiful and useful...And that would last for years and years...

Isn't that like our lives... We are a mess and totally useless to God and then He takes us and molds us into something that He can use and are beautiful..

So what's keeping us from being molded by God into what He wants us to be...Oh yea... it's ourselves...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil. 4:13

Prayer of the Day: Jesus make me useful and beautiful to You.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Ever wonder why you can smell??? I learned a great reason tonight as I rode around the hills of West Virginia... From the scent of the fresh rain... to the scent of the trees and flowers... mix that all in with the scent of animals and its unbelievable!

Watching deer playing in a field was another amazing sight my children and Susan and I were able to watch... Their "Aunt" Sue "Uncle" Paul and Aunt Addie and Cousin Matthew also enjoyed these wonderful smells and sights with us! And I can't thank them enough for chauffering us around!

God has blessed me with a great family here in West Virginia and back at home and I am thankful so much for each one of them!

"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers." IThessalonians 1:2

Prayer of the Day: Thank you God for my family

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Have you ever tried to get four "wired' children to sleep at night on air mattresses sitting on the floor? Well last night that was the mission of five adults...and a dog... Needless to say.. It took quite awhile before the last of the children fell asleep...

With them all getting thirsty and then all getting hungry one would have thought the children never got fed or allowed to drink anything... Until midnight... Then there are the noises that had to be made from sneezing to coughing and other various sounds that need not get mentioned...(Yep Those...)

We get to bed and things are getting settled down when a millipede appears on the ceiling...How do children see a millipede on the ceiling in the dark??? Well now you have frantic children because everyone knows that's the kind of millipede that stings... We "take care" of the millipede and everyone now goes back to bed...

By now it's even later... So I decide to get them to sleep by sleeping with them on the air mattresses on the floor... We do all eventually get to sleep... Alas...I awake a little later on for a "Coffee" break and struggle off the air mattress and have my break and then get in bed...

What a night from an eventful day..which I will describe at a later date...

The Christian life is like this sometimes...When we all get together to accomplish something we are really excited at the prospect of the project... but sometimes in our enthusiasm and excitement we miss the "rest" that Jesus wants to provide us in our endeavor... We strive to do everything in our own power without using God's power and we miss the "rest".... Rest does not always come in the form of sleeping but it comes in the relationship of Jesus working with us to accomplish the task He wants and not always the task we want....Just like last night in the struggle to get the children asleep...Sleep and rest only came after I decided to get involved in the actual process of the sleeping... Jesus' rest only comes when we allow Him to join us in the task we are striving to accomplish.

"Come unto Me and I will give you rest.. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28 - 30 Brian's Paraphrase

Praye of the Day: Jesus help me to take your yoke and allow me to find Your rest.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday's Musings

Today I am looking out at the train tracks I used to walk with my Papa when I was 4 years old and the great times we had doing that together....Yesterday I climbed the "mountain" behind the house up to the caves with my children and remembered the adventures I had as a kid climbing the hills around my Nana and Papa's house....Saw fresh bear "droppings" so needless to say we did not get to go into the caves ...(Yet..)

Like the old song says..."Memories pressed between the pages of my mind...Memories sweetened through the ages just like wine... quiet thoughts come floating down and settle softly to the ground like golden autumn leaves around my feet....I touch them and they burst apart with sweet memories... sweet memories..." Youtube "Memories" Elvis Presley great song

As I think about the memories.. The sound of cars going by on Rt. 2 are heard... with the sound of Cicadas singing ... and the noise of a river boat going by on the Ohio River ... brings all of these back as if it were yesterday....

As Christians we have memories in our lives of how we used to spend time with Jesus and others in our family... My goal as I visit here is to relive some of the memories with my family and most importantly make new memories with tem so I will have memories in the future.

God ordained the family first so we need to forget the job... Forget the $$$... spend time with the family... you're what they want.. not the "stuff". Jesus wants us to put our family before everything but Him... So let's do it!

"A man must leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife (and children)" Genesis 2:24 according to Brian's Paraphrase...

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to take time for my family and You.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

It's hard to believe that it's going to be over 90' again today... At least we've been getting rain sometimes in the evening... Usually right after we've watered most of the yard and getting ready to put the hoses away... it begins to rain...

Why do we water the yard when thunder is heard off in the distance and it looks right rain you ask... Because even though the conditions "feel and look" like rain, sometimes all you get is the noise and the wind and no rain...And that does not water the garden or flowers....

Life is like that... We see all the signs of something being great for our lives and then it ends up being just noise and wind...Sometimes because of our doing... sometimes because of others doing...

Don't build your life on what could've.... would've.... should've....been... build your life on the will be... and that "will be" is Jesus Christ. He is the only sure thing there is in a life full of noise and wind!

"Lord, if its you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come!" Jesus said. Then Peter got out of the boat and started walking on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the wind and the waves he became afraid and, beginning to sink he cried, "Lord save me!" and Jesus lifted him up out of the water." Matthew 14: 28 - 30

Don't pay attention to the noise and the wind get up and get to Jesus..He will supply your needs!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to follow you and not the noise and wind around me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

A call comes in at 7:40am saying the baby has been born at 5:20am and is okay...The couple rushes to get their clothes on and get to the hospital as quickly as possible. Upon arrival the couple runs in to someone they know leaving the hospital... bad luck for them because this was supposed to be happening privately.. Reassuring the couple he would tell no one the couple dashes for the elevators for their first view of their new child....

It seemed like an eternity as the elevator stopped at two other floors before reaching the anticipated destination... the baby floor....With trembling hands the couple opens the door to the room along with their social worker... And there in plain view is the child with his birth mother... She smiles at the couple and hands the baby to the wife... and says,"It's time to feed him and you should be the first to do it!"....This moment has taken fourteen years to happen and with tears in her eyes Susan gives Zach his first bottle .........And now you know the rest of the story!

"I know the plans I have for you plans for you to prosper and not to fail." Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer For The Day: Thank you God for perfect timing.. Let us never forget that your timing is always perfect.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tomorrow is my son's 12th birthday..Hard to believe he is 12 years old already...Where has the time gone??? What a story to tell about that day but not enough time today to tell it.. Maybe tomorrow!

Roy Clark sang a song back in the 70's called "Yesterday When I was Young" find it on You Tube.. It's a classic...When I look back on my Yesterdays...It sure doesn't seem that I'm looking dare I say 50ish in the face...

Always remember to look forward not backward on life and what God has in store for you... It's hard sometimes because we've had some great days...also some sorry days...But God has our lives in His hands and we have to have the faith to put our lives in His hands.. No matter what yesterday held or tomorrow will hold... God knows what is best for us!!!

My son is really excited about his birthday tomorrow as well as he should be...He is a great kid! And I love him very much! Happy Birthday Zach!!!

"Don't worry about tomorrow or what happened yesterday only worry about today for it has enough worry on its own" Matthew 6:34 Brian's paraphrase

Prayer of the Day: Jesus let me have the faith to trust you wwith my life.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday's Musings

Over the past few weeks I have lost people who were presently in my life and some who had a significant part in my life early on in my ministry...With each loss comes memories of these individuals God placed in my life to help me grow in my ministry and to help me ministerto others.

Though it's hard to see them go I know they are in heaven enjoying God's presence. One day we will also meet God face to face and we too will be missed by those who are still here living on earth. My prayer is that those who miss us will say we miss them because of what they meant to God while living here...

Paul told Timothy,"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help us to keep the faith till you call us home!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

If you ever wonder ...wonder, whatever became of me.. I'm living on the air in Cincinnati..Cincinnati and WKRP..I'm at WKRP in Cincinnati...." A part of a theme song from looong ago about a radio station called WKRP that was located in Cincinnati...

This was an interesting show not only because of the humor but also because of the relationships between the characters of the show... My favorite character was Les Nessman... an accident prone guy who always had either a band - aid on his finger or some type of bandage somewhere on his body...He also was the newsman who received an award for his agriculture news in the state of Ohio... No one ever took him seriously even when he was striving to be serious about news or agriculture... He did a live remote from a grocery store where they were dropping live turkeys out of a helicopter... and one of the greatest lines in television was when Les reported "the turkeys are hitting the ground like large sacks of flour!" Then a few seconds later you hear him scream,"The turkeys are mounting a counter - attack!"

I still remember this show from years ago with a smile on my face... But going back to the theme song for the show about the living on the air in Cincinnati... I want to ask "US'... Which "air" are we living on in our hometown??? Are we living on our own air? Or are we living on the "air" provided by the Holy Spirit?

My prayer is that we daily walk with the Holy Spirit..."So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature..For the sinful nature is at war with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is at war with the sinful nature.. But be led by the Spirit .... Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:16,17 &25

Prayer of the Day: Holy Spirit please help me follow you where you lead today.

Keep Lookin' Up

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Have you seen the new "Tumbleweed" homes this guy builds out in California? They are approximately 90 sq. feet in size and have a loft area for a bed... He built the first one to live in because he wanted to simplify his life.... These homes have a toilet, shower, sink,refrigerator and a stove and a "small" living area of course.... Not a whole lot of room but for one maybe two people these homes are large enough to live in... Oh yea, they're built on a trailer so you can move them rather easily....

My analogy to these small homes is what area of your life do you need to simplify??? Is it the space you give to things that might be questionable in your Christian walk?? Is it lifestyle habits you have?? Is it that you might need to enlarge an area in your life for Jesus to live?? Or to actually ask Jesus to come in and live in your life??

In math you have to use simplification sometimes...Sometimes you have to find the least common denominator or simplify a problem down to the end...

Is God asking us to do that today?? To simplify our lives down to just Him and nothing else?

My prayer is that each one of us would do the math problem.... Me + God = God + Me which equals a Godly life!
Or to just have Him live in our "small" dwelling place with us!

"As you come to Him, the living Stone - rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. IPeter 2: 4 - 5

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to simplify my life and give it all to you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday's Musings

Vacation Bible School started last night with a fairly good attendance... We will end on Thursday night with our Family Night at 6pm on Sunday... With this in mind I think back to my years of attending VBS at various locations during the summer... My best two crafts ever were a church that was made out of an 8 oz. milk carton and a coaster made out of small stones... Each of these were made at VBS in W.Va at my Nana and Papa's church... Sadly that church today is a community center..

There were also two week VBS's back in the good ole days that one could attend with each week having a huge craft you worked on each day... The down side to this was if you began attending in the middle of the week ..... Oh well... you get the picture... or maybe you didn't if you attended later in the week!

Either way I have always had a great admiration for VBS and the people who took their time to work with children... I have worked in VBS from the time I was a youth til this day some 35 years later... Yes I am old.... And have actually enjoyed it... Children are important to God's kingdom and we do not need to see them as a burden... or a pain....(Yes even my children and your children are not pains)... We need to see them as people who need a Savior.... And that Savior is Jesus Christ... So let me encourage you to look at your children and other children you know as souls that need to be saved....

The question is what am I doing about it? What are you doing about it? My prayer is that we are taking the opportunity each and every day to share the love of Christ with them every chance we get!

And Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And He took the children in His arms and blessed them." Mark 10:14 - 16

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to see children as your creations needing a Savior!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Didja' ever think the oil would stop flowing from the pipe in the gulf? After 87 days BP might have got the problem fixed....Now we will have to listen to the pundits talk about what BP should have done to take care of the problem sooner. (yea...) With all of the hearings and testimonies from all the experts it came down to a lid... yes a lid that solved the problem...something that simple....

Isn't this the way it is with God and how He works with us... He tells us to do something for Him sometimes ...But not only for Him but something that might even be beneficial for us....We then form a committee to study the issue...We report back with "our" professional findings to God and go with our findings... Oh yea, there's a story in the Old Testament about this when the 12 spies went into the promised and scoped out the area for Moses.... They came back and 10 said we'll never take the land... God brought us here to die....But 2 said, "With God we can do anything!" Whose professional testimony did the people believe ... the 10 of course and this got the people an extra 40 years wandering around in the wilderness....

It's a great story in Numbers 13... Numbers 14:2 - 3 states, The whole community told them,"If only we had died in the land of Egypt, or if only we had died in the wilderness... Why did the LORD bring us here to die by the sword."

We have to trust God when HE tells us to do something... He will provide the answer and He will help us meet our needs!

Hope the lid holds...

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help us to trust you when we want to become professionals and not listen to you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

With VBS just around the corner, we're gearing up for a splendiferous week of Christ filled fun at the church as we travel around America learning about Jesus. Looking for a great group to join us on this adventure... Praying God will allow us to reach children for Him this week as we travel.

With prayer in mind I want to ask you to pray for our VBS at this time and also to pray for the plans God has for our church for the future. We are preparing to see God's blessing after He sends the rain. It's beginning to "sprinkle" now and we are already feeling the effects of just the few sprinkles He has sent our way.

How are you preparing for the "rain" God wants to send your way? Are you praying for hit and miss showers or are you praying for a steady downpour? I know that I am praying for the steady showers... but then I'm afraid I'm not ready to handle the showers when they fall.. But if I can handle them where would that leave God...

Jesus tells us to: "Pray to the LORD of the harvest to send workers out into His harvest fields." Matthew 9:38

Are we ready to work in the harvest? I sure hope so because the rain is coming and the harvest is about ready to be brought into the storehouse!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to be a harvester for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Today was a very hard day for me with a great high and a low happening all in the same day. The low was when I learned Ms. Elaine Smith passed away this afternoon. She was my children's Sunday School teacher for three years. Zachary my oldest had Ms. Elaine for the longest time and he loved her and Mr. Ben very much. She allowed Zach to be her helper and he took this job seriously and this allowed God to work in Zach's life tremendously in the area of being a servant.
Thank you God for Ms. Elaine's life of service to you and what she has meant to all those she showed your love.

My high point today was being able to get in contact with my cousin Jeff that I have not spoken to in 20 years. He is a Pastor in West Virginia and has been serving the Lord for over 20 years. I thank God for him and his service to God! I also found out his oldest son is in Iraq serving our country. He also shared with me other news in regards to his family that brought glory to God!

I praise my God for you because of the grace God has given you in Christ Jesus. I thank God because in Christ you have been made rich in every way, in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. Jesus will keep you strong to the very end so that there will be no wrong in you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD, is faithful. I Corinthians 1:4,5, 8&9

I thank God for the blessing of knowing Ms. Elaine here on earth and the opportunity to serve with her in God's kingdom. She will be missed!!!

Please pray for both of these families during this time.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's Monday... A start of a new week... Ugh! Why is it that we always seem to have the "Monday Morning Blues?" After a time of refreshing over the weekend with family and friends one would think that we would approach the new week with enthusiasm and joy, but no we face the prospect of a new week with fear and trepidation.

God tells us to face the day for today and not worry about tomorrow or what it might hold. Yet we worry about the Monday's in our lives over and over again...Jesus came to this world not only to give us new life but also to help us in overcoming our "Monday Morning Blues." SO let me invite you to join me in saying goodbye to the "Monday Blues" and hello to "Monday Funday" as we get through today together and look forward to what God has planned for us!

"For God's anger endureth but a moment; in His favor is life:weeping may endure for a night but joy comes on a "Monday!" Psalm 30:5 Bold word is my paraphrase 8>)

Prayer of the Day: Jesus allow me to experience joy today in you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know that President Taft was the last President to own a White House cow and the first to own a White House Automobile? Quite an accomplishment....

July 9th will be the last day of production for the Chrysler PT Cruiser.... It was great when it first came out back in the early 2000's but it never was updated or changed.....

Just like President Taft and the last cow and owning the first automobile at the White House... And the end of the PT Cruiser... We have to change...There's a quote that I read a long time ago that states,"If you stop learning today, you start dying tomorrow."

We as Christians have to change in order to stay fresh in the world today...We have to keep our relationship with Jesus constantly watered by praying, reading the Bible, and being involved in His work. We have to exercise our faith daily to stay fit in the world around us...If not, we will grow stale and be like a stagnant pond with algae growing on the top of us and "oxygen" deprived below the surface which will eventually cause us to be non - productive.

Let me encourage us to get busy exercising our faith for Jesus so that we can be "healthy" to all who see us in the world today!

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God ... this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is... His good, plesaing, and perfect will."
Romans 12 : 1- 2

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help keep me fresh daily in your world.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

With Oscar laying beside me I am writing this blog... Bad news everywhere.... Two year old child just found murdered by his dad and dumped in a trash can...Not the greatest example in the Holy City of Charleston on child rearing...

Kinda' puts a damper on the day...questions of why??? questions of how???

willl learn soon these details... not looking forward to them... Have been reading a Church history book on the early church fathers...they were killed for their beliefs....what a waste of God's men...just like the waste of the little boy that was killed.

Proverbs 3: 5- 6 tells us."Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Even when the news is bad ...even when we feel bad...even when we don't understand... God tells us to trust Him...

Prayer of the Day: Lord help me continue to trust when I do not always understand...

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wandering, wandering, wandering, ... My life is like a ship adrift and driven by a gale, no guiding light no port in sight no rudder or sail... A part of the song from a youth musical from the 70's called "I Believe" Are you wandering or are you wondering??? Wandering from God's will or wondering what is God's will for my life?

It's one thing to wander away from God after knowing what His will is... "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the LORD" Colossians 3:17 You have to always give your best in what you are doing at that particular time... If you are not giving your best you are wandering!

Wondering is where you are not doing that much for God if anything at all and you are waiting on that mountain top experience for God to break open the clouds and show you His will. (Good Luck With That!) Ecclesiastes tells us, "Whatever your hand finds for you to do, do it to the best of your ability." Ecclesiastes 9:10 God will not show you His will for the future if you are not involved in His work now... Get busy serving God now and He will most assuredly show you His will for the future!

Don't be like the boat with no guidance from anywhere! Allow God to guide you and He will lead you where you need to go!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus guide me today and forever!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

With Six You Get Eggrolls... Or at least that's the way it was several years ago in Chinese resturants in the area... Now you get Kids Eat Free on Tuesdays... BOGO on Thursdays... The list goes on.... and on.... We are always looking for the deal... And someone is always wanting to make us a deal...Television game show that is now backon after being gone for a long time is "Let's Make a Deal" what a show.... When it first came on people would dress up in all kinds of ridiculous outfits to try and get on the show...

And they were wanting to make a deal..... Trade this box for that box this curtain for that curtain... All wanting to win the big prize while avoiding the zinger prize... I saw a lady win a burro on the original show with Monty Hall back in the late 60's LOL... While others did win the big prize ... A new car ... or a trip somewhere... It was all free... they won it.... but at the end of the show when they walkied off the stage there was a special person to greet them... The IRS agent... He wanted to know how the lady would be paying the tax on the burro... the new car... the trip... etc.

You see nothing in life is free... it has to be paid for by someone... our sin has a payment too... it is our life... For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 We want to make a deal with God but the deal has already been made...

Jesus paid the price for me and for you!!! What a Savior! Enjoy your salvation... share it with others.... Because it came at a great price... We have the grand prize of all Jesus... The world only offers the zinger prizes... Which would you rather have? The "Burro" or Eternity with Jesus?
My prayer is that you pick Jesus! Guess what there are no zingers with Him!

Prayer of the Day: Thanks you Jesus for the greatest gift of all... Salvation!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday's Musings

Well it's the 5th of July, the day after the 4th... (duh...) I know... but still I am thankful for living in the USA!

How about you? Are you thankful for living in the land of the free and home of the brave?? Sure you are...I was watching "Evan Almighty" today on TV ... at the end of the movie the question is asked, " How do you change the world?"

The answer was, "By one Act of Random Kindness." or ARK

The Gaither Vocal Band sang a song years ago called "Build an Ark" Go to You Tube and find it... you will be blessed....(hope you find it)

To keep America free... we as believers have to do one Act of Random Kindness everyday and by doing this we will bring others on board with us....bring them on the ARK...

The ARK is what saved Noah and his family...from the flood.... The ARK for us is Jesus and He is what will save us from the "flood"...

'I am the way the truth and the life, no one coms to the Father except through Me." John 14:6

So who are you and I helping bring to Jesus? I hope as many as we possibly can!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me tell people about you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact (Or is it?)

Larry Walters on this day in 1982 ascended to the altitude of 16,000 feet in a lawn chair attached to 45 helium balloons. This was indeed a record and made the news for several days. To descend he shot balloons with a pellet gun until he dropped the gun by accident thus landing in power lines which caused a black - out of a major portion of a city for about an hour.

Larry quit his job as a truck driver and became a motivational speaker for a few years, but sadly his fifteen seconds of fame did not produce the financial gain he had hoped and in 1993 he commited suicide.

Have you had your fifteen seconds of fame yet??? It is said most people will realize fifteen seconds of fame during their lifetime... for some it produces great financial game... for most it produces heart - ache and pain.

As the old knight in the Indiana Jones film said when the villain was choosing the "Holy Grail" cup, "Choose wisely." When the wrong cup was chosen and the villain died, the knight said, "He chose poorly."

When your fifteen seconds of fame strikes may I suggest you choose wisely...If your fifteen seconds of fame has already struck... be thankful... now move on and get ahead with life.

Paul tells us to (my paraphrase here) "Don't look back! Look where you're going! Press on toward the goal God has called you to heaven for in Jesus!" Philippians 3:14b

If you do this, no matter what, life will be successful for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Thank - You; A simple two word expression that I'm afraid is used too little today in our society. Why is that? I believe we live in a society that is beginning to believe it deserves everything that it receives. And I'm afraid my generation helped bring that about...

When I was growing up in school we learned to say please and thank - you... I actually remember Ms. McConnell role playing with us on how to say please and thank - you...

I believe we have forgotten how to do this and it's making a negative impact on our society as a whole. Politeness is something that is deserved by everyone and from everyone and if we practiced saying thank - you more often our world would be a better place to live.

Here's a children's song that I believe says this really well; " Thank - you LORD for saving my soul, thank - you LORD for making me whole, thank - you LORD for giving to me thy great salvation so rich and free."

Prayer of the Day: Thank - you Lord for saving my soul.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday's Musings

Back from vacation! What a time we had... Preparing for VBS and the New Fall season... It's amazing to me how many television shows are kicking off during the summer.....

I have seen at least 5 - 6 new shows starting in the next 2 weeks... What happened to the good ole' days when all the shows started in the fall or at least during September...

We've been told don't start anything new in the summer in regards to God or the church because everyone is on vacation.... Marketing shows people are always looking for something new to be involved... whether a television show, a movie or a new fashion trend.... it does not seem to matter anymore the timing of the new event but the actual event or show itself..

Is it good enough to keep my attention? Is it something I want to be involved with? Am I willing to give an hour or so of my time to participate? That's the question we need to ask...

I believe Christians have bought into the idea what we have no one else wants... Why??? I don't know... Could it be we need to retool our lives to more in tune with God....Then people would see God instead of us... Every time I read in the Bible people come into contact with God their lives are changed forever....

Let's start something new this summer in the heat and humidity let's show people God through our lives daily... "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Isaiah 42:9 We've done the old... let's see what God has in store for us today and then look forward to tomorrow for what God has in store for us to experience!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to show you to everyone I come in contact with today, even in the summer allow me to something new for you that you want me to do.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Hey, Just saw on the internet the new ride at Universal ... Harry Potter and the Wizard of "Whatever" has a weight and size limit... It used to be you just had to be a certain height to ride a particular ride... This catches my children all the time...Now you have to be a cedrtain height and weight...

"Weighting" on the lawsuits to begin on this one... let's see which person gets the ACLU to sue Universal for being too large to ride this ride...

Isn't it great that Jesus accepts us just as we are...No height or weight requirements just a willing spirit to accept Him as our Savior!!!

I love my Jesus! Hope you do too!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Prayer of the Day: Thank you Jeus for loving me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Thursday was a great day with the kids as we looked for shark teeth... none found but found lots of clams... even though not what we were looking for but the experience was lots of fun....

Sometimes I have found that life is like today's shark teeth adventure...We do not always get what we were wanting or striving to get .... but the adventure was worth the effort and sometimes was even more than what we were originally wanting....

God works in the same way when we start following His plan for our life...We believe we need to get to a partucular point ...God has different plans.... and we are no where near where we believe we need to be.... but eventually find out we are where we have to be to be in God's will...(isn't that where we want to be anyway???)

"All living things look to You for food, and you give it to them at the right time, You open your hand, and You satisfy all living things. Everything the LORD does is right, He is loyal to all he has made." Psalm 145 :15 - 17

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to reust you in all areas of my life.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wednesday is here already...Can you believe it??? This week is flying by... Well it is for me ...We're on vacation... Went to Dixie Stampede today for their first afternoon show of the summer... They were behind... before the show, show was only 12 minutes long and not the usual 45 minutes..:( but it was a great meal and show...:}) Patriotic at the end which always gets me when I think of how great we have it here in the USA....

I wonder how people can get it so wrong in regards to our country and how wonderful it is... Do you ever wonder the same thing??? Why would you want to stay in a country that you hate so much??? Or that you don't agree with the law of the land in regards to the Constitution or Bill of Rights??? One must be miserable to be here, right???

It's the same way heaven will be for all of the people who say they are Christians yet do not want to be around Christians by attending church or doing what Jesus tells Christians to do... Or will it??? I'm afraid some who believe to be Christian and plan to enter the promised land when it is their time are going to mistaken.

Jesus tell us. "My sheep hear my voice and listen to my commands." John 10:27

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to hear your voice and listen.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tuesday the new Saturday for me... since I am on vacation....It's been a crazy couple of days.. but hey, things are calming down now and I already have my standard first day sun burn even with the sun - screen and the Walmart umbrella I bought last night at 9:15 p.m. (Go Figure...)

But just when you think things always stay the same that's when you get hit with the proverbial "curve - ball." My children are growing - up and it is so amazing to see them do things on their own and take the initiative to do things to help mom and dad while un - packing and getting things put away.... But alas, they also go back to their "little - kids"ways... whining, wanting to rest, wanting to get something to drink, wanting something to eat.. while mom and dad were toiling away...

How many times have we done the same thing to God??? God watch us... God look what we're doing to help you... God I brought my Bible to church today... God I've attended church 4 Sundays in a row...God I told someone about You today... God is pleased with us just as parents we we're pleased with how our children helped us...

But how soon does it take us to whine, whimper and wander???? Not long I'm afraid... Does this mean we need to quit?? No, we need to continue in our good works and continue them until the day we no longer are here on the earth!

"God began a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again." Philippians 1:6

Prayer of the day: Jesus help me to continue working for you without whining.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

In thinking today about my life and what has happened over the past 12 years or so... I cannot help but wonder where my life would be if Zach's biological mother had made the choice to not have him but terminate him from being born. Zach has been such a joy to our lives but not only ours but everyone he comes in contact.

Without him there would have been no Autumn and Nathan in our lives as well... I cannot even imagine this now.....

How easy to make choices that are completely life altering without giving it that much of a thought...

I praise God everyday for my children and for the sacrifice their birth - mother gave in giving them to us so that we could adopt them into our family! What love she had for them!!!! And I thank God for allowing her to have that kind of love!

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator, of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom." Isaiah 40:28

Prayer of the Day: Thank you Jesus for your understanding and love when we don't even understand it all!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

As I sit in the quietness of the moment... I have to wonder are we doing what we need to be doing for Jesus??? Then the question is... What do we need to be doing????

* Witnessing?
* Giving more money?
* Helping others?
* Reading my Bible?
* Taking another, "How to witness class?"

What do we actually need to be doing???

The Bible tells us that we need to become more like Jesus..."And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the LORD, who is the Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

When we are transformed into His likeness we will be doing what we are supposed to be doing...
He will tell us and we will listen... (At least I hope I will listen... and you'll listen too!)

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to be transformed into your image more today and even more tomorrow.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's Thursday already .... where has the week gone??? Oh! it's just Tuesday.... Have you ever thought you were further ahead in the week or a project before... when you actually were not???

It can get quite frustrating when you realize this has happened... What do you do when this happens? I'm glad you asked...

You trust God... Hopefully you are being obedient to Him and are praying as you continue to work on the project or the week....

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart aand lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:4 - 5

Prayer of the Day: God help me by directing my path today as I serve you.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday's Musings

Wow! What a lesson from Sunday morning I received... During the lesson in reference to Elijah I told the class God inhabits our praise.. He desires it greatly... And when we give praise intentionally or unitentionally to something or someone else God gets jealous... He then gets us in a position to where we have to praise Him... Hopefully before rocks start falling on us or some other disastrous situation...But if not, disasters will come until we give Him the praise He is due...
Sunday morning during our singing praises to God... Women felt led to come to the altar to pray... Guess what then several more came to the altar to pray and God showed me He was in charge of the worship time... not me or anyone else... Coming to the altar to pray during singing praises to God was not listed in our bulletin... SO you know it was spontaneous... Isn't it great when God works spontaneously!

When we are on our knees before God... He will do mighty works in and around us!

Our God comes and He will not be silent; a fire devours before Him, and around Him a tempest rages. Psalm 50:3

God showed up and someone listened! Praise God!

Prayer of the Day: God help us to be attentive to your voice today so we too can do your will.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Did you know that a "jiffy" is an actual unit of time??? It is 1/100th of a second... So the next time you say I'll get that done in a "jiffy"... you'd better hurry....

When was the last time you or I told God we'd get that done in a "jiffy"....I told Him that last week and actually got the project completed... When was the last time you asked God to get something done for you in a "jiffy"?

Guess what... God's timing is perfect... Sometimes His "jiffy" might be now ... next week ... next year ... or never....We have to trust Him....

"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD." Psalm 27:14

What do we need to do??? Wait on the LORD! His jiffy is always perfect!!!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus remind me to always wait on you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

It's Thursday.... Have you ever heard of a promotion at a restuarant called "Thirsty Thursday"? It's where you are allowed to order a soda for a special price and get free refills the rest of your meal...or at least the time you are there....

Let's take a look at this from a spiritual sense.... Are you or am I having a "Thirsty Thursday" for Jesus today?? As the old song says.. "Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord, come and quench this thirsting of my soul..." Are you and I wanting to be filled with Jesus today or are we just playing the usual game of " Jesus I need this thing or some other excuse that keeps us from being constantly filled with Jesus."

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Prayer of the Day: Jesus fill me with your Spirt today to do your will.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

"Heaven came down and glory filled my soul... when at the cross the Savior made me whole... my sins were washed away and my night was turned to day... Heaven came down and glory filled my soul."

The chorus of a hymn I grew up singing at First Baptist Church Goose Creek... yes Goose Creek for all of you that need to know... Once the fastest growing small city in America in 1972...(I screamed squirrel...sorry)

It's Wednesday the proverbial "hump" day of the week... Has glory filled your soul yet this week? Do you feel whole right at the moment? Are you in the light? Or does it seem you are wondering around in the darkness?

It's your choice..."If we walk in the light, as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin." I John 1:7

Prayer of the Day: "Jesus help me to walk in the light and allow your glory fill my soul."

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Well got up this morning, made coffee, got ready for work and was walking out the door when .. Oh My Gosh!!! Where are my keys???? Where is my phone??? Got all the kids up... Mom was up already and the search was on.... "What have y'all done with my phone and keys?!?!"

My youngest son went out by the pool and brought in... Guess what... My keys and my phone...

"Here they are daddy.. they weren't lost you just unremembered where you left them..We played together by the pool and when it got dark we came in.."

Thanks to my family for unremembering my faults when I get flustered...

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the LORD." Ephesians 6:4

Prayer of the Day: Lord help me to always remember to be an example to my children no matter what the circumstance.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday's Musings

It's summer! Yea... We have made it to the end of another school year and have survived... Now that summer is here we do not need to faint from the heat or the temptation to "vacation' from God....We need to partcipate in recreation that is for sure but let's look at the word recreation for just another moment... re/create ... re means do again or bring back to something... create means to make by investing with new character or functions... to refresh....

Let's do something different this summer and refresh our commitment to God by spending time with Him!

"Remember not the former things, neither consider te things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18 - 19

Are you dry in spirit? If so, return to the Lord and He will refresh and recreate you into what He wants you to be.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday's Fun Fact

Today is National Doughnut Day... Some Dunkin' Donuts are giving away free doughnuts with a beverage purchase... Good Luck!

It is also graduation day here at Ridge Christian Academy... Congratulations Tony and T.J. for making it through!

I am excited for them as I think back when I graduated 30 years ago..(has it been that long?) whew.... A time to look back and remember and now a time to look forward with great anticipation for what new adventure awaits....

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteusness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."
Psalm 37:5 - 6

Prayer of the Day: Jesus let me remember to commit my way to you each day

Keep Lookin Up!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Woke - up this morning with the remote falling off the couch and the batteries flying out of it... Scared me to "death" ... Luckily it was not too late... Got the kids up and was getting ready...Channel 4 had a trivia question and I called on a whim and actually won... Food from Arby's... yea....

Sometimes in life we get surprised by little things that can change the way we look at the day... or even look at life... What we always have to remember is that God is in control in the good and the bad times....

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3: 4 - 5

Prayer of the Day: God help me to always remember you're there beside me no matter what the circumstance.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wow... Started Andy Griffith for family Bible Study tonight "Opie's Charity" what a great reminder to not only hear but that we need to listen to those who are talking to us and not judge a book by its cover....Or let our pride get in the way of someone wanting to do something for another individual...

Andyism spoken at the end of the show tonight... Y'all enjoy your chicken and I'll enjoy eating my crow!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me not to be prideful in my dealings with others!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

"Amaziah did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, but not with his whole heart."
II Chronicles 25:2

Wow! To know one can be doing what is right but not with your whole heart.... Will this make a difference in one's walk with the Lord? Will this affect our witness to others?? Heard this at a commencement ceremony this past weekend... make sure you are "all in" to whatever you are doing!

What a great reminder for all of us to remember in our daily lives.... As we work, play,do school work , most importantly in our walk with Jesus followed closely by in our relationships with our family .... Make sure you are "all in"!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to remember to be "all in" with you everyday of my life.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday's Musings

Memorial Day or as it used to be called Decoration Day... When I was growing up and lived in West Virginia in the early 1960's there would be a group of about 25 that would go and decorate the graves in different cemetaries in the area... This year that group is still going but there will only be 3 of the original group going...Why??? I believe we have made Memorial Day into just another day where we have a"Huge Memorial Day Sale" come in and take advantage of this bargain....

What bargain did our soldiers get when they lost their lives??? Lives that were precious and valuable...We have our freedom because of these brave fallen heroes... Let us remember them today as we enjoy our families, food and most importantly our freedom!

In the book of Judges it reminds us what happens to our children and our children's children when we forget to remind and teach them life changing truths...

"After those people had died, their children grew up and did not know the LORD or what He had done for Israel. So they did what the LORD said was wrong, and they worshiped the baal idols. They quit following the LORD, the God of their ancestors who brought them outof te land of Egypt." Judges 2:10 - 12

In the verses following this passage it tells what the LORD did to the people of Israel for their neglect of Him.... It's not pretty...

Let us never forget to teach our children about Memorial Day and the truths of Jesus!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus bless the families who have lost loved ones over the years in battle to help keep our freedom.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Have you ever tried to start something? You get this great idea or you decide you want to begin to exercise...(yuk...) so you can be more healthy... to start something new or start a new habit... preferably a good habit it takes a little over 21 days to make the "new" thing or habit stick...

Does God want you to start something "new" with Him??? Or does He want you to re - start a habit you once had but now have lost....Daily Quiet Time...Attending Sunday School... Witnessing...

Whatever it is pray that God will help you overcome any obstacle you might have that keeps you from starting or re - starting that habit that will bring you closer to God!

Therefore, I urge you brothers in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to start something new with you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wednesday is here and with it the end of the week is drawing nigh... I am looking forward to this weekend as we celebrate Memorial Day and remember those who have paved the way for us to be where we are today...

In keeping with that thought, remember there is one who paved the way for you and me to get to heaven and His name is Jesus...

Let's also remember Him this weekend and celebrate what He has done for us by attending the church of your choice and thanking Him for dying for us! (What a Savior!)

"And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died them and was raised again." II Corinthians 5:15

Prayer of the Day: Jesus thank you for all of those who have paved the way for us to be where we are today and most of all thank you for paving the way for us to get to heaven.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Running a little late...The book of Acts is an interesting book in the Bible...My final for my Bible students is going to be over it... Acts 5 gives us an interesting account of Ananias and Sapphira and their great idea of giving money to the church... It was a "life" changing event...

They lost theirs and the church gained a great following which strengthened the church....

This story deals with what people's motives are in serving or giving to God... Ananias and Sapphira were looking for man's applause ... Ananias got his obligatory applause from the people and then dropped over dead...Sapphira was at Saks 5th Avenue Jerusalem getting her "applause" outfit and hat not knowing her husband had dropped dead with the same fate waiting for her when she arrives to receive her "applause"...Tough truth to learn... even in today's world.... Don't lie to God....

What happened to Ananias and Sapphira could happen to us....Scary thought isn't it????

Prayer of the day: God make my motives pure in every thing I do for you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday's Musings

Today was my last chapel for the school year with my K3 - K4 classes and my K5 - 6th graders... It was a happy time as well as a sad time too... time marches on and waits for no one...

This was the last day I would ever share the love of Jesus with some of the children.... My prayer is that God will touch their lives and they will accept Him as their Savior if they have not already done so...

One never knows how long someone will be on this earth... that is why it is important to share the love of Jesus with everyone we come in contact....

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Good - Bye for now children! I hope I see you again in the fall! I love you!

Prayer of the day: Jesus help me tell others about you!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

Have you seen where Pakistan has banned Facebook and other internet sources due to the depiction of the prophet Muhammed and the freedom it allowed internet users to have in Pakistan....

Isn't it great that Jesus tells us, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32

When you have truth on your side it allows you to be free of worry about what other people are doing or saying about your beliefs....Truth allows others to have a differing point of view, because ultimately truth will prevail..

In the book of Acts, Gamaliel a prominent Pharisee told the the ruling council, "Leave these men alone, for if this counsel or this work is of men, it will die: But if it be of God, you will not stop it; or you will be fighting God Himself." Acts 5:38 - 39

Oh yea, We're still here!

Stand firm in your beliefs... God will win... We will win....Because we stand on the truth!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to stand on the truth and not be afraid.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wow, there's only 10 days left in school...Where has the year gone??? Does it ever seem to you that time starts moving a lot faster the older you get...(Like this is something new) As time goes by we realize there are things in our life we are not going to accomplish that we had hoped... Going to a certain place ... making a certain amount of money...purchasing that car we had always dreamed of getting...

With this thought in mind I want you to think about what Christ wants you to accomplish during your life here on earth...Are there people He wants you to see... Are there people He wants you to tell about Him... Is there a place He might want you to visit?? Does He want you to grow closer to Him before you go to heaven???

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." II Corinthians 3:18

We can reflect the glory of the Lord by abiding in the presence of the Lord by praying and reading His Word.

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to abide in you so I can reflect your glory to those around me.

Keep Lookin' Up!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Do you remember going to the grocery store to look for a cathode tube for your television?? When's the last time you saw a television repair shop in your community? When's the last time you saw a telephone booth?? What's Superman to do? What about a rotary phone??

When's the last time you had someone witness to you about Christ? Has anyone ever witnessed to you about Christ? I know everyone knows you're a Christian, right??? What about the chance meeting at the gas station? In the grocery store line? On vacation by the pool?

I have had the pleasure of four people witnessing to me on chance encounters over my lifetime... One, while I was playing pingpong in 1980 at Trident Technical College, The second was when I was at a gas station in Fort Worth, Texas in 1992, The third and fourth were here in Summerville at the same gas station on two different occasions 2007 and 2009 at the Hot Spot gas station on College Park Road.....

A stretch I know from when was the last time you saw something we really no longer when was the last time someone did a particular action to you that has eternal implications...

I believe these two are intertwined... Four times over my lifetime an individual cared enough about me to witness to me about the love of Christ... Something you do not see often... And I have a good idea there are some of you who have never been witnessed to before in a chance encounter....

My prayer is that you will take the opportunity and share the love of Christ with someone today and make it a day for them to remember!!!

"Let your light shine before men" Matthew 6:16b

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to be the witness you want me to be!

Keep Lookin' Up!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday's Musings

"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart... Where? Down in my heart! Down in my heart! I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay......A children's song I know... But a song that should mean a lot to us as adults...

Where is your joy? In what do you find joy? These are important questions we need to ask ourselves... It can make a difference in our lives forever...

John 16:24 tell us: "Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." We have to ask God for our "daily bread" and if you continue to look at the Lord's Prayer it goes on to say, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." How is God's will done in heaven??? Willingly, I can tell you... You're not going to tell God that He has to wait for you to do something when you are in heaven... He's right there with you ... you're going to do it the moment you are asked... Why then do we tell God to wait while we are here on earth??? We don't believe He is in front of us... We do not "see" Him physically, so we tell Him to wait....

Joy then for us is hampered... Joy that God wants to see displayed among the people we come in contact...

Instead of "Let's get the lead out..." my hope is that we will say "Let's get the joy out!"

Prayer of the Day: Jesus please help me show your joy to everyone I come in contact with today!

Keep Lookin' Up!
