Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday's "Thought"

What a day! Up early....Made tea for Chris with Chris as he is a quick learner... taught him the secret sugar amounts needed to make our famous Ridge sweet tea. Helped him do an outreach meal at Cane Bay High School for the teachers and it was a huge success! Great job for coordinating this event Chris!

Working with others in helping build the kingdom of God is what it is all about! Now is the time to start helping build the kingdom of God...If not now.... when... If you would like to help here at Ridge give me a call or come by and see me...If you would like to start helping build the kingdom of God where you are get hold of your Pastor or other staff member and tell them you're here to help!

Jesus looked unto the fields and said, "The fields are ripe unto harvest, therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers unto the field to help bring in the harvest."
Matthew 9:37 - 38 (Brian's Paraphrase)

Folks the harvest is truly plentiful and the time to harvest is now! SO Let's get to it!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus show me where I need to go and who I need to talk with about You.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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