Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

Tuesday the second day of teachers being back to the school...Meetings and catching back up on how the summer was... Today we also learned about why and how we need to wash our hands from Mike Miller... Boy that was sure exciting! I never knew germs could be in so many different places...from toilets to tea pots... We have to be careful... "Danger Lurking Everywhere!"

Ya' know sin is the same way ... It's lurking everywhere and we never know when it's going to raise its ugly head... Paul tells us that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking to devour anyone he can... Have you ever seen the Discovery Channel showing lions hunting prey?? Do they roar and make a lot of noise before they go after their prey?? No they're quiet and always watching... Satan is the same way...

Be careful and watch what you're doing ... "Wash your hands" make sure you are "clean" everywhere you go!

There's not a temptation put before you that God does not give you an out." I Corinthians 10:13 Brian's Paraphrase

Prayer of the Day: Please help keep us clean before you Jesus.

Keep lookin' Up!


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