Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's a Super Tuesday.. At least I think so... Way back in the day when I worked with youth we used to have super Tuesdays where we did all kind of different activities. What a time we had going all over southern Illinois discovering many different things together... I miss those days... But I will always have the wonderful memories! Thanks y'all!

With time comes change and one cannot live in the past even with our relationship with Jesus. We set "Ebenezers" (Stones of remembrance) to remind us where we have been but we don't build our lives around those stones....Our memories.. Because as someone once said.. Once our memories exceed your dreams your life is over! Are you living on your memory of what your walk with Jesus used to be? Is your walk today with Jesus as great as it was in the past? If not, What needs to change to get it moving forward again...

Times change... Things change....Truths never change.... Jesus is still LORD and He wants to be LORD of your life... Memories are great but the present brings forth new opportunities to create more memories ... Let's get about making more memories wih Jesus!

Paul said, "Forgetting what's behind I press on toward the goal for which Jesus called me."
Phillipians 3:14 Brian's Paraprhase

Prayer for the Day:Jesus thanks for the memories... again help me make better memories with you today!

Keep Lookin' Up!


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