Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Ever wonder why you can smell??? I learned a great reason tonight as I rode around the hills of West Virginia... From the scent of the fresh rain... to the scent of the trees and flowers... mix that all in with the scent of animals and its unbelievable!

Watching deer playing in a field was another amazing sight my children and Susan and I were able to watch... Their "Aunt" Sue "Uncle" Paul and Aunt Addie and Cousin Matthew also enjoyed these wonderful smells and sights with us! And I can't thank them enough for chauffering us around!

God has blessed me with a great family here in West Virginia and back at home and I am thankful so much for each one of them!

"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers." IThessalonians 1:2

Prayer of the Day: Thank you God for my family

Keep Lookin' Up!


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