Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday's Wonderings

Wow.. It's Wednesday already can you believe it??? So much to do and so little time to do it ....

Whining sometimes can be considered a Spiritual Gift.... (Brian's Translation) LOL

Wondering what to talk about today... Weather is always a great topic to talk about when one needs an ice breaker.... It sure was hot today... 93" the usual high temperature is only 90" No rain in sight for the next few days so we will need to water plants for a couple of days...

Which gives me a great new topic to wonder about... Water... It helps sustain life everywhere on earth. Without water you will die physically rather quickly... Without "water" you will one day die spiritually... Jesus talked to a woman at a well about this topic one day and she was really interested in the living water Jesus was talking to her about. Hoping she would never thirst again... She questioned Jesus on how she might attain this living water...Guess what.. He told her how to get this living water...

Are you thirsty for more than what you are experiencing right now in life??? I know life is really great for you right now... All the bills are paid and you are now building your nest egg for retirement...But is that all there is... are you still thirsty for more??? Jesus told the woman at the well there was more to this life... He told the rich young ruler that followed the commandments there was more to life than just money and commandment following...

To experience real living may I invite you to drink of the water Jesus is offering us today??? Experience life to the fullest! Jesus tells us: "I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible!

Drink in Jesus! Drink in Life! Drink in Happiness that only He can bring!

Prayer of the Day: Jesus help me to constantly focus on you everyday of my life and fill my thirst with only the water you give.

Keep Lookin' Up!


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